The Hollywood Reporter Brutally Honest Ballot 5: cytowany Emove Stone i Ryan Gosling Together, quot quotGimme a Breakquot O 039Arrival039 Anonimowy członek oddziału aktorów dzieli losy Oscara. Nagrody Ducha: Lista zwycięzców (Aktualizacja na żywo) Nagrody rozdawane są w sobotę w namiocie na plaży w Santa Monica. Biuro Weekendowe: Jordan Peele039s 039Get Out039 Heads for Impressive 28M Debiut w USA Peele039s debiut reżyserski otwiera weekend Oscara wraz z animowanym filmem familijnym 039Rock Dog039 i długoopóźnionym filmem akcji 039Collide.039 Razzie Awards: 039Batman v Superman039, 039Hillary039s America039 Top Winners Te dwa filmy razem przytoczyły osiem z dziewięciu kategorii na 37. dorocznych nagrodach Złotej Maliny, świętujących najgorsze Hollywood, jakie ma do zaoferowania. Brutally Honest Oscar Ballots, Oscar Voter, odsłania swoje brutalnie uczciwe głosowanie: Meryl Streep quotLike a Clown, quot 039La La Land039 quotNot niezapomniany, quot 039Arrival039 quot Sustedquot Brutally Honest Oscar Ballot 2: 039La La Land039 quotFelt a Little Light, cytat Barry Jenkins cytuje Naprawdę Poetquot Brutally Honest Oscar Ballot 3: Denzel Washington cytuje To dużo, quot 039La La Land039 quotTransported Mequot Watch THRs Full Actor Okrągły stół z Casey Affleck, Jeffem Bridges'em i More Actor Oscar Roundtab Oglądaj THRs Full Actress Roundtable z Emmą Stone, Natalie Portman, Isabelle Huppert i więcej Aktorki Oscar Roundtable Obejrzyj THRs Full Director Roundtable z Denzelem Washingtonem, Melem Gibsonem i More Director Oscar Roundtable Oglądaj THRs Full Producer Roundtable z Mattem Damonem, Markiem Plattem, Frankiem Marshallem i więcej producenta Oscar Roundtable Watch THRs Full Writer Roundtable z Kennethem Lonerganem, Tomem Fordem, Pedro Almodovarem i More Writer Roundtable Nigdy nie przegap żadnej historii. Bądź na bieżąco z biuletynem THR039s Today in Entertainment. Ten numer Weekrsquos Dlaczego Oscar wciąż ma znaczenie Lin-Manuel Miranda, Mark Cuban, Liza Minnelli, Matt Damon, Dakota Johnson, Olivia de Havilland, Michael Ovitz, Neil deGrasse Tyson i więcej 19 A-listów Hollywood o tym, dlaczego Oscary Still Matter ( i ten, który mówi, że Don039t) Ekspertyzy narcyzmu Trump039s Tweety o oskarowych: On chce być szanowany przez Hollywood (kolumna gościnna) Oscary 2017: Kto wygra, Kto powinien wygrać Byłem Carrie Fisher039s 1978 Oscar Data: Spielberg, Lucas i 3 po południu z Johnem Belushi Zdobywcą Oscara John Irving nalega na Hollywood, aby zdobyć polityczną cytat Prawidłowe biasquot w przemówieniach akceptujących (kolumna gościa) Subskrybuj Now039Lost Cat Corona039: Przegląd filmów Ralph Macchio w 039Lost Cat Corona, 039 komedia o kobiecie z Queens o mężczyźnie szorującym okolica dla jego zagubionego kota. 039Niedziela w parku z George039: Theatre Review Reprezentując swoje role na Broadwayu po uznanej inscenizacji koncertowej, Jake Gyllenhaal i Annaleigh Ashford zagłębiają się w przełomowy musical o tworzeniu sztuki Stephena Sondheima i Jamesa Lapine'a. 039Fun Home039: Theatre Review Zdobywca nagrody Tony Award 2018 za najlepszy musical przybywa do Ahmanson Theatre w Los Angeles z silną firmą koncertową pośród ataków administracyjnych Trump na prawa LGBT. 039Jeśli zapomnę039: Theatre Review Kate Walsh powraca na nowojorską scenę w nowym dramacie 039Dear Evan Hansen039 autor książek Steven Levenson, w której rodzina zmaga się z problemami osobistymi i politycznymi. 039Kid Victory039: Theatre Review Nastolatek stara się żyć z następstwami przerażającej zbrodni w tym nowym musicalu przez legendarnego kompozytora Johna Kandera, 039Chicago039 i 039Cabaret039 sławy i dramaturga Grega Pierce'a. 039Widzenie Neverland039: Theatre Review Billy Harrigan Tighe i Christine Dwyer występują w teatrze Hollywood Pantages w Harvey Weinstein039 w produkcji koncertowej musicalu na Broadwayu o dramacie J. M. Barrie i jego magicznej kreacji Peter Pan. Ekspert narcyzmu analizuje tweety o trampach O oscarach: chce być szanowany przez Hollywood (kolumna gościnna) Wraz z doniesieniami z cytatów i cytatami z życia cytowanego w cytacie, nagrody Akademii są celem niektórych z najbardziej obumarłych tweetów Donalda Trumpa. Autor "Epidemii narcyzmu" 039 podejrzewa, że za tą gromadką kryje się pragnienie, by Tinseltown potraktował ją poważnie. Disney Lays Off 80 From Maker, jednostka Digital Media W ramach restrukturyzacji sieć talentów Studios0339, która kiedyś wzrosła do 55 000 twórców, również jest coraz mniejsza. Technicolor uruchamia wirtualną i rozszerzoną rzeczywistość - skoncentrowane laboratorium dźwiękowe Nadzór Edytor dźwięku i projektant Scott Gershin przewodzi inicjatywie. Spotify prezentuje oryginalne podcasty od Gimlet Media, Panoplia Studios Jeden z koncertów obejrzy życie i wpływ dyrektora branży muzycznej Chris Lighty. Lexington, Kentucky, 5 października 2018 r. Magazyn SafeCare ogłosił dzisiaj, że Joe Kiani, założyciel Fundacji i CEO ds. Bezpieczeństwa Pacjentów Masimo otrzymał tytuł Osoby Roku 2018. Nagroda ta uznaje i pochwala osobę, która znacząco przyczyniła się do poprawy bezpieczeństwa pacjentów i jakości opieki zdrowotnej na całym świecie. Wśród 64 nominowanych i finalistów znaleźli się dr Victor Dzau, prezes Instytutu Medycyny Narodowej Akademii Nauk, dr James Bagian, były astronauta, dyrektor Centrum Inżynierii Zdrowia, University of Michigan, dr Atul Gawande, chirurg i publiczność. badacz zdrowia, dr Peter Pronovost, wiceprezes ds. bezpieczeństwa i jakości pacjentów, Uniwersytet Medycyny Johnsa Hopkinsa, dr Mark Chassin, przewodniczący Wspólnej Komisji, dr Ala Alwan, Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia, dr Patrick Conway, dyrektor ds. medycznych Medicare, dr Cynthia Deyling, dyrektor ds. Jakości, Cleveland Clinic Health Systems, dr David Bates, dyrektor ds. Innowacji, Brigham and Womens Hospital, dr Robert M. Wachter, profesor i tymczasowy przewodniczący, Department of Medicine na University of California San Francisco i Dr. Hardeep Singh, szef, polityka zdrowotna, jakość i informatyka, Houston Veteran Affairs Health Services Research Center for Innovation. Gratulujemy tegorocznej edycji SafeCare Person of the Year - Panu Kiani, powiedział dr Yisrael M. Safeek, założyciel SafeCare Magazine. Jesteśmy pod ogromnym wrażeniem tego, co udało nam się osiągnąć w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa pacjentów. Większość z naszych nominowanych była międzynarodowo uznanymi lekarzami, więc sam fakt, że tegoroczna nagroda trafia do kogoś bez wykształcenia medycznego czyni go jeszcze bardziej niezwykłym. Od ponad 25 lat jego innowacje zrewolucjonizowały chirurgię i krytyczną opiekę medyczną. Jego praca z organizacją non-profit Patient Safety Movement Foundation podjęła temat bezpieczeństwa pacjentów i umieściła go na czele tych, którzy mogą wpłynąć na zmianę. Jeśli ktokolwiek może osiągnąć śmierć, której nie można zapobiec do 2020 roku, będzie to Joe Kiani. Misją SafeCare Magazines jest dostarczanie informacji o ludziach, pomysłach, organizacjach i nowatorskich technologiach wpływających na bezpieczną, wydajną i wysokiej jakości opiekę zdrowotną najbardziej wpływowym liderom. Publikacje Ranking 100 szpitali SafeCare jest mocno zakorzeniony w opartej na dowodach strukturze ustawy Affordable Care Act, oceniającej szpitale w metodzie HVBP, HRRP i HACRP. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, odwiedź safecaremagazine. Masimo Root zdobywa nagrodę GOLD 2018 Medical Design Excellence, IRVINE, Kalifornia, 10 czerwca 2018 Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) ogłosiło, że platforma monitorowania i łączności z pacjentami root uzyskała nagrodę GOLD 2018 Medical Design Excellence, najwyższą nagrodę przyznawaną w szpitalach ogólnych oraz kategoria produktów leczniczych. Zwycięzcy nagród 2018 Medical Excellence Excellence zostali uhonorowani dzisiaj podczas ceremonii wręczenia nagród w centrum konferencyjnym Jacob K. Javits w Nowym Jorku, w połączeniu ze Wschodnią Konferencją i Ekspozycją Medical Design amp-MDMM (MDMEast). Root jest dostarczany ze stacją dokującą do podręcznego monitora Radical-7 lub nadającego się do noszenia monitora Radius-7, intuicyjnego wyświetlacza i wielu opcji łączności sieciowej. Root integruje wiele strumieni danych na łatwym do odczytania ekranie dotykowym. Do podstawowych innowacji należą: MOC-9 Elastyczna rozbudowa pomiarów poprzez Masimo Open Connect (MOC-9) z modułami MOC-9 firmy Masimo lub pomiary firm trzecich przez inne firmy w celu rozszerzenia pomiarów i możliwości platformy. Nowe moduły MOC-9 w USA będą wymagać nowych prześwitów 510 (k) Moduł strumienia bocznego ISA Capnography CO 2 zapewniający szybki czas nagrzewania oraz innowacyjny i opłacalny moduł monitorowania funkcji mózgu NLININE SedLine, który zapewnia cztery kanały EEG aby pomóc klinicystom w lepszym zrozumieniu wpływu znieczulenia na technologię SET mózgu, mierzenia utlenowania krwi, częstości tętna i tęczowego monitorowania akustycznego (RAM) poprzez współczynnik oddychania akustycznego (RRa). Promień-7 zapewnia pacjentom ciągły monitoring, zapewniając jednocześnie swobodę ruchów, umożliwiając szpitalom optymalizację pojemności poprzez szybsze wyprowadzanie pacjentów z łóżka. Badania wykazały, że mobilność pacjentów jest kluczowym czynnikiem szybszego powrotu do zdrowia pacjenta. 1 Konkurs Medical Design Excellence Awards (MDEAwards) jest organizowany i prezentowany przez UBM Canon i jest jedynym programem nagradzania, który uznaje wyłącznie wkład i postęp w projektowaniu produktów medycznych. Zgłoszenia są oceniane na podstawie ich cech konstrukcyjnych i inżynierskich, w tym innowacyjnego wykorzystania materiałów, funkcji związanych z użytkownikami, które poprawiają dostarczanie opieki zdrowotnej i zmieniają tradycyjne postawy lub praktyki medyczne, cechy, które zapewniają pacjentowi większe korzyści i zdolność produktu zespół programistów, aby pokonać wyzwania projektowe i inżynieryjne, aby produkt spełniał swoje cele kliniczne. Kompleksowy przegląd zgłoszeń dokonał bezstronny, wielodyscyplinarny zespół jurorów zewnętrznych, posiadających doświadczenie w inżynierii biomedycznej, czynnikach ludzkich, wzornictwie przemysłowym, medycynie i diagnostyce. Jesteśmy zaszczyceni, że Root otrzymał nagrodzony przez GOLD MDEA produkt, powiedział Joe Kiani, założyciel i dyrektor generalny Masimo. Mamy nadzieję, że Root wyeliminuje bariery wejścia na innowacyjne produkty i bariery dla interoperacyjności oraz pomoże zautomatyzować opiekę nad pacjentem dzięki swojej otwartej i skalowalnej architekturze. 1 Needham D, Korupolu R, Zanni J, Pradhan P, Colantuoni E, Palmer J, Brower R., Fan E. Wczesna Medycyna Fizyczna i Rehabilitacja dla pacjentów z ostrą niewydolnością oddechową: Projekt poprawy jakości. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Vol 91, Issue 4, PP 536542, kwiecień 2017 O Masimo Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) jest światowym liderem w dziedzinie innowacyjnych nieinwazyjnych technologii monitorowania, które znacząco poprawiają opiekę nad pacjentem, pomagając rozwiązać nierozwiązywalne problemy. W 1995 roku firma zadebiutowała pulsoksymetrem Measure-through Motion i Low Perfusion, znanym jako Masimo SET. co praktycznie wyeliminowało fałszywe alarmy i zwiększyło pulsoksymetryczne zdolności wykrywania zdarzeń zagrażających życiu. Ponad 100 niezależnych i obiektywnych badań wykazało, że Masimo SET przewyższa inne technologie pulsoksymetryczne, nawet w najtrudniejszych warunkach klinicznych, w tym w ruchu pacjenta i niskiej perfuzji obwodowej. W 2005 r. Masimo wprowadził technologię tlenowej pulsoksymetrii pulsów, umożliwiając nieinwazyjne i ciągłe monitorowanie składników krwi, które wcześniej można było jedynie zmierzyć inwazyjnie, w tym całkowitą hemoglobinę (SpHb), zawartość tlenu (SpOC), karboksyhemoglobinę (SpCO), methemoglobinę (SpMet) oraz Indeks zmienności pletyzmu (PVI), oprócz SpO 2. częstość tętna i wskaźnik perfuzji (PI). Dodatkowe informacje na temat Masimo i jego produktów można znaleźć na stronie masimo. Stwierdzenia odnoszące się do przyszłości Niniejsza informacja prasowa zawiera stwierdzenia dotyczące przyszłości, określone w sekcji 27A ustawy o papierach wartościowych z 1933 r. I sekcji 21E ustawy o giełdzie papierów wartościowych z 1934 r., W związku z ustawą o reformie sądowej w sprawie sporów dotyczących papierów wartościowych z 1995 r. Te wybiegające w przyszłość oświadczenia są oparte na bieżących oczekiwaniach dotyczących przyszłych zdarzeń, które dotyczą nas i podlegają ryzyku i niepewności, z których wszystkie są trudne do przewidzenia, a wiele z nich jest poza naszą kontrolą i może spowodować, że nasze faktyczne wyniki będą się znacznie różnić od tych wyrażonych w naszej wypowiedzi prognozujące w wyniku różnych czynników ryzyka omówionych w sekcji Czynniki ryzyka w naszych najnowszych raportach złożonych w Komisji Papierów Wartościowych i Giełd (SEC), które można uzyskać za darmo na stronie internetowej SECs pod adresem sec. gov. Chociaż uważamy, że oczekiwania odzwierciedlone w naszych stwierdzeniach dotyczących przyszłości są uzasadnione, nie wiemy, czy nasze oczekiwania okażą się słuszne. Wszystkie wypowiedzi prognozujące zawarte w niniejszym komunikacie prasowym są w sposób wyraźny określone w całości przez powyższe zastrzeżenia. Ostrzega się, aby nie oprzeć się nadmiernie na tych wybiegających w przyszłość stwierdzeniach, które mówią jedynie od dzisiejszych dni. Nie zobowiązujemy się do aktualizacji, zmiany lub wyjaśnienia tych oświadczeń lub Czynników Ryzyka zawartych w naszych najnowszych raportach złożonych w SEC, czy to w wyniku nowych informacji, przyszłych zdarzeń lub w inny sposób, z wyjątkiem przypadków, gdy może to być wymagane zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami. przepisy dotyczące papierów wartościowych. Nowonarodzona Fundacja obdarza CEO Masimo Joe Kiani z nagrodą Gala Huberta H. Humphreya Dawn of Life Award Największy fundraiser w swoim rodzaju, aby podnieść świadomość walki ze śmiercią noworodków Irvine, Kalifornia 13 października 2017 Fundacja Noworodków przedstawiła Joe Kiani, założyciela, CEO i Prezes Zarządu Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI), z Nagrodą im. Huberta H. Humphrey'a z Liferdquo podczas uroczystej piątkowej nocy w Minneapolis w stanie Minnesota honor zarezerwowany wcześniej dla członków Kongresu. Jest to największa tego rodzaju zbiórka pieniędzy na podnoszenie świadomości w zakresie walki z noworodkiem, a wszystkie wpływy z gali nagród zostaną przeznaczone na dalsze wysiłki Koalicji Fundacji Noworodków w celu wykorzystania technologii, które poprawią wczesne wykrywanie chorób i dostęp do opieki dla noworodków. Hubert ldquoBuckrdquo Humphrey IV, były wnuk Vice Presidentrsquos, przedstawił Kiani jako nagrodę Dawn of Life jako lidera typu "dubajka", który poświęcił się zwiększeniu roli technologii i innowacji w poprawie zdrowia noworodków na całym świecie. Kiani otrzymała nagrodę LdquoDawn of Liferdquo w tym samym dniu, w którym Masimo ogłosiła zastosowanie oprogramowania do oznaczania śladów w oprogramowaniu CE dla noworodka, przeznaczonego dla podciśnieniowych pulsoksymetru Radical-7 reg, zaprojektowanego, aby pomóc klinicystom skuteczniej i skuteczniej badać noworodki pod kątem krytycznej wrodzonej wady serca (CCHD). Praca LdquoJoersquos była naprawdę wyjątkowa, powiedział Rdquo Annamarie Saarinen, współzałożyciel i dyrektor generalny Fundacji Noworodków. Był to przywilej, by mieć swoją mądrość i wsparcie w dążeniu do poprawy zdrowia noworodka i bezpieczeństwa pacjenta. Fundacja Noworodków została uruchomiona po tym, jak córka Saarinenrsquos, Eve, została zdiagnozowana i leczona z powodu wrodzonych wady serca jako noworodka. Mogła przeżyć tylko dzięki wczesnemu wykryciu i dostępowi do interwencji ratującej życie. W ciągu zaledwie kilku lat fundacja Newborn Foundation i rzecznictwo polityczne wpłynęły na krajobraz zdrowia noworodków i pomogły ratować życie. Obecnie prawie wszystkie 4 miliony dzieci urodzonych każdego roku w USA są poddawane badaniom przesiewowym za pomocą pulsoksymetru w przypadku wad serca i innych poważnych chorób, a projekty Fundacji Noworodków dotykają najtrudniej dostępnych i najbardziej zaniedbanych dzieci w całym kraju. Działalność Foundationrsquos rozszerzyła się również na cały świat, obejmując ważne programy badań przesiewowych, telezdrowia i infrastruktury w Maroku, na Filipinach i na obszarach wiejskich w Chinach. Partner Programu Narodów Zjednoczonych ds. Każdego Noworodka Masimo i Fundacja Noworodków Projekt BORN zostały w tym roku wyróżnione na światowym spotkaniu delegatów w Johannesburgu jako jeden z niewielu programów ratujących nowonarodzone życie. Stwierdził Kiani: Jestem naprawdę zaszczycony i zaszczycony, że otrzymałem nagrodę Newborn Fundsquos lsquoDawn of Lifersquo. Fundacja Noworodków jest niestrudzonym orędownikiem dla tych, którzy potrafią jeszcze mówić o dzieciach urodzonych z sercem i innymi chorobami, których można uratować dzięki wczesnemu wykryciu i interwencji. Ja i wszyscy z nas w Masimo, cieszymy się, że będziemy kontynuować współpracę z Fundacją Noworodków, mając na celu wyeliminowanie możliwych do uniknięcia zgonów noworodków. rdquo Eve nie jest dostępna w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Określany jako Tryb CCHD w Radical-7 O Fundacji Noworodków Fundacja Noworodków jest międzynarodową organizacją non-profit, działającą w celu wykorzystania technologii informatycznych i medycznych w służbie zdrowia w celu poprawy dostępu i wyników przy jednoczesnym zmniejszeniu dysproporcji dla noworodków. Organizacja ta była integralną częścią opracowywania polityki, przyjmowania i wdrażania technologii służących wczesnemu wykrywaniu, interwencji i opiece nad najmłodszymi pacjentami, w tym przełomowego dodawania powszechnego badania przesiewowego noworodków za pomocą pulsoksymetrii jako inicjatywy w zakresie zdrowia publicznego. Prace te przeniosły się obecnie na rynek międzynarodowy, z istotnymi projektami dotyczącymi zdrowia noworodków w Wielkiej Brytanii, Maroku, na Filipinach i na obszarach wiejskich w Chinach. Odwiedź stronę newbornfoundation. org Informacje o firmie Masimo Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) jest światowym liderem w dziedzinie innowacyjnych nieinwazyjnych technologii monitorowania, które znacznie poprawiają opiekę nad pacjentem, pomagając w rozwiązywaniu problemów związanych z kwotami quasi-solwatalnymi. W 1995 roku firma zadebiutowała pulsoksymetrem Measure-Through Motion i Low Perfusion, znanym jako Masimo SET reg. co praktycznie wyeliminowało fałszywe alarmy i zwiększyło pulsoksymetryczne zdolności wykrywania zdarzeń zagrażających życiu. Ponad 100 niezależnych i obiektywnych badań wykazało, że Masimo SET osiąga lepsze wyniki niż inne technologie pulsoksymetryczne, nawet w najtrudniejszych warunkach klinicznych, w tym w ruchu pacjenta i niskiej perfuzji obwodowej. W 2005 r. Masimo wprowadził technologię tęczy SET Pul Pulse CO-Oximetry, pozwalającą na nieinwazyjny i ciągły monitoring składników krwi, które wcześniej można było zmierzyć jedynie inwazyjnie, w tym hemoglobiny całkowitej (SpHb reg), zawartości tlenu (SpOC), karboksyhemoglobiny (SpCO reg), methemoglobina (SpMet reg) i Indeks zmienności Pleth (reguła PVI), oprócz SpO2, częstości tętna i wskaźnika perfuzji (PI). Dodatkowe informacje na temat Masimo i jego produktów można znaleźć na stronie masimo. Stwierdzenia odnoszące się do przyszłości Niniejsza informacja prasowa zawiera stwierdzenia dotyczące przyszłości w rozumieniu art. 27A Ustawy o papierach wartościowych z 1933 r. I sekcji 21E ustawy o giełdach papierów wartościowych z 1934 r., W związku z Ustawą o reformie spornej przepisów dotyczących papierów wartościowych z 1995 r. Oświadczenia dotyczące przyszłości opierają się na bieżących oczekiwaniach dotyczących przyszłych zdarzeń, które dotyczą nas i są obarczone ryzykiem i niepewnością, z których wszystkie są trudne do przewidzenia, a wiele z nich jest poza naszą kontrolą i może spowodować, że nasze rzeczywiste wyniki będą się znacznie różnić od tych wyrażonych - obookie wypowiedzi w wyniku różnych czynników ryzyka, w tym, ale nie ograniczają się do: czy Kianirsquos otrzymanie nagrody Dawn of Life będzie miało jakikolwiek istotny wpływ na naszą działalność, a także inne czynniki omówione w sekcji Ryzyka nasze najnowsze raporty zostały złożone w Komisji Papierów Wartościowych i Giełd (quotSECquot), które można uzyskać bezpłatnie na stronie internetowej SEC sec. gov. Chociaż uważamy, że oczekiwania odzwierciedlone w naszych stwierdzeniach dotyczących przyszłości są uzasadnione, nie wiemy, czy nasze oczekiwania okażą się słuszne. Wszystkie wypowiedzi prognozujące zawarte w niniejszym komunikacie prasowym są w sposób wyraźny określone w całości przez powyższe zastrzeżenia. Ostrzega się, aby nie oprzeć się nadmiernie na tych wybiegających w przyszłość stwierdzeniach, które mówią jedynie od dzisiejszych dni. Nie zobowiązujemy się do aktualizowania, zmieniania ani wyjaśniania oświadczeń wybiegających w przyszłość lub cytowanych w naszych najnowszych raportach składanych do SEC, w związku z nowymi informacjami, przyszłymi zdarzeniami lub w inny sposób, z wyjątkiem przypadków, gdy jest to wymagane. zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami dotyczącymi papierów wartościowych. Nazwy recenzji Szpital Beckers 50 Ekspertów wiodących w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa pacjentów, w tym założyciel Fundacji Bezpieczeństwa Pacjentów Joe Kiani Irvine, Kalifornia, 7 kwietnia 2017 r. Przegląd szpitalny firmy Beckers opublikował listę 50 ekspertów wiodących w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa pacjentów, uznając organizacje ochrony zdrowia, organizacje non-profit uniwersytety i inne instytucje zajmujące się poprawą bezpieczeństwa pacjentów i jakości opieki. Liderzy obejmują podmioty świadczące opiekę zdrowotną, adwokatów, administratorów, naukowców i profesorów, którzy wykazali się zaangażowaniem w bezpieczeństwo pacjentów poprzez ich pracę, osobiste osiągnięcia i przywództwo organizacyjne. Zespół redakcyjny Beckers Hospital Review ocenił ekspertów w oparciu o lokalny i krajowy wpływ na bezpieczeństwo pacjentów poprzez uczestnictwo w inicjatywach bezpieczeństwa pacjentów, informowanie o nich innych, publiczne mówienie o bezpieczeństwie pacjentów oraz publikowanie artykułów i badań. Lista rdquo50 ekspertów z dziedziny bezpieczeństwa pacjentów 2017 r. Obejmuje: James P. Bagian, MD, PE. Dyrektor Centrum Inżynierii Zdrowia i Bezpieczeństwa Pacjentów, University of Michigan David W. Bates, MD, mgr inż. Starszy wiceprezes ds. Jakości i bezpieczeństwa oraz dyrektor ds. Jakości w szpitalach Brigham and Womenrsquos oraz w organizacji lekarzy Brighama i Womenrsquosa. Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP. Były administrator CMS Karl Bilimoria, MD, MS. Dyrektor wyników chirurgicznych i centrum poprawy jakości w szpitalu Northwestern Memorial Leah F. Binder, MA, MGA. CEO The Leapfrog Group Maureen Bisognano, RN. Prezes i dyrektor wykonawczy Instytutu poprawy opieki zdrowotnej Doug Bonacum. Wiceprezes ds. Jakości, bezpieczeństwa i zarządzania zasobami w Kaiser Permanente Richard Boothman, JD. Chief Risk Officer w University of Michigan Health System Helga Brake, PharmD, CPHQ. Lider ds. Bezpieczeństwa pacjentów w szpitalu Northwestern Memorial Mark R. Chassin, MD, FACP, MPP, MPH. Przewodniczący Komisji Wspólnej oraz prezes i dyrektor generalny Wspólnego Centrum Komisji ds. Transformacji Opieki Zdrowotnej Michael R. Cohen, RPh, MS, ScD. Prezes Instytutu ds. Bezpiecznych Praktycznych Lekarstw Molly Coye, MD, MPH. Chief Innovation Officer w UCLA Health Katrina Crist, MBA. CEO Stowarzyszenia dla Profesjonalistów w Kontroli Zakażeń i Prewencji James DeFontes, MD. Specjalista ds. Bezpieczeństwa pacjentów w Kaiser Permanente w Południowej Kalifornii Sir Liam Donaldson, wysłannik ds. Bezpieczeństwa pacjentów w Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia Ethan Freid, MD, FACP. Założyciel nowojorskiego rejestru NYACP Tom Frieden, MD, MPH. Dyrektor Ośrodków Kontroli i Prewencji Chorób Karen Frush, MD. Chief Foxlin, dyrektor ds. Bezpieczeństwa pacjentów w Duke University Health System. Associate w TsoiKobus amp Associates Tejal K. Gandhi, MD, MPH, CPPS. Prezes Państwowej Fundacji Bezpieczeństwa Pacjentów dr Atul Gawande. Profesor zdrowia publicznego w Harvard School of Public Health Michael Henderson, MD. Chief Quality Officer of Cleveland Clinic Gordon C. Hunt Jr. MD, MBA. Starszy wiceprezes i dyrektor ds. Marketingu w Sutter Health Donald Kennerly, MD, PhD. Chief Quality Officer w Baylor Health Care System oraz Chief Safety Officer w Baylor Scott amp White Health Joe Kiani. Założyciel Fundacji Pacjenta ds. Bezpieczeństwa Pacjentów Richard Kronick, Dyrektor ds. Agencji Badań i Jakości w Ochronie Zdrowia Lucian Leape, MD. Przewodniczący Lucian Leape Institute w National Patient Safety Foundation Jeffrey C. Lerner, PhD. Prezes i dyrektor generalny ECRI Tammi Minnier, RN, MSN, FACHE. Chief Quality Officer w UPMC Elizabeth Mort, MD. Starszy wiceprezes ds. Jakości i bezpieczeństwa w szpitalu w Massachusetts, Frank Overdyk, MD, MSEE. Dyrektor wykonawczy ds. Badań w North American Partners w Anesthesia Peter Pronovost, MD. Starszy wiceprezes ds. Bezpieczeństwa i jakości pacjentów w Johns Hopkins Medicine Dr Eric Schneider, redaktor naczelny International Journal of Quality in Healthcare Kaveh G. Shojania, MD. Redaktor naczelny BMJ Quality amp Safety Robert K. Stoelting, MD. Prezes Fundacji ds. Bezpieczeństwa Pacjentów Anestezji Janet Woodcock, MD. Dyrektor Centrum ds. Oceny i Badań Narkotyków dr Joan Wynn. Główny specjalista ds. Jakości i bezpieczeństwa w Vidant Health Cała lista znajduje się tutaj: 50 ekspertów wiodących w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa pacjentów w 2017 r. Więcej informacji na temat Fundacji Ruchu Bezpieczeństwa Pacjenta i jej misji w zakresie eliminacji zgonów pacjentów, których można uniknąć do 2020 r., Można znaleźć na stronie patientafetymovement. org . Informacje o firmie Masimo Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) jest światowym liderem w dziedzinie innowacyjnych nieinwazyjnych technologii monitorowania, które znacznie poprawiają opiekę nad pacjentem, pomagając rozwiązać nierozwiązywalne problemy. W 1995 roku firma zadebiutowała pulsoksymetrem Measure-Through Motion i Low Perfusion, znanym jako Masimo SET reg. co praktycznie wyeliminowało fałszywe alarmy i zwiększyło pulsoksymetryczne zdolności wykrywania zdarzeń zagrażających życiu. Ponad 100 niezależnych i obiektywnych badań wykazało, że Masimo SET osiąga lepsze wyniki niż inne technologie pulsoksymetryczne, nawet w najtrudniejszych warunkach klinicznych, w tym w ruchu pacjenta i niskiej perfuzji obwodowej. W 2005 r. Masimo wprowadził technologię tlenowej oksymetrii Rainbow Pulse, umożliwiając nieinwazyjne i ciągłe monitorowanie składników krwi, które wcześniej można było zmierzyć jedynie inwazyjnie, w tym całkowitej hemoglobiny (SpHb reg), zawartości tlenu (SpOC), karboksyhemoglobiny (SpCO reg), methemoglobiny ( SpMet reg) oraz Indeks Zmienności Pleth (reguła PVI), oprócz SpO2, częstości tętna i wskaźnika perfuzji (PI). Dodatkowe informacje na temat Masimo i jego produktów można znaleźć na stronie masimo. Masimo otrzymał 2017 Zenith Award na Kongresie Amerykańskiego Stowarzyszenia Pielęgnacji Układu Oddechowego Irvine, Kalifornia 18 listopada 2017 Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI), wynalazca pulsoksymetrii tlenku węgla Pulse i pomiaru ruchu oraz pulsoksymetrii o niskiej perfuzji, ogłosił dzisiaj, że ma otrzymał prestiżową nagrodę Zenith za sprzęt i doskonałą obsługę od Amerykańskiego Stowarzyszenia Pielęgnacji Układu Oddechowego (AARC) na 59. Dorocznym Kongresie AARC w Anaheim w Kalifornii. Nagrodą Zenith 2017 Masimo osiągnął najwyższe uznanie branży AARC w zakresie pielęgnacji dróg oddechowych i środków farmaceutycznych producentów dla doskonałej jakości i usług. Ponad 400 firm zakwalifikowało się tylko do jednej z sześciu nagród Zenith Award. Zwycięzcy są wybierani przez członków stowarzyszeń ponad 52 000 specjalistów w zakresie opieki oddechowej, w oparciu o jakość sprzętu i materiałów eksploatacyjnych, dostępność i pomoc personelu handlowego, a także zdolność reagowania, rejestrację usług, prawdę w reklamie oraz ogólne wsparcie w zakresie opieki oddechowej . Masimo określa cechy reprezentowane w kryteriach, a dzięki temu pozdrawiamy Ciebie i Twoich pracowników, powiedział dyrektor wykonawczy AARC, Thomas J. Kallstrom. Jesteśmy zaszczyceni uznaniem tak wielu członków AARC, którzy po raz kolejny uznali nas Nagrodą Zenith, powiedział Joe Kiani, założyciel i CEO Masimo. To uznanie jest szczególnie znaczące i satysfakcjonujące, ponieważ pochodzi od klinicystów, którzy używają naszych produktów każdego dnia. O Masimo Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) jest światowym liderem w dziedzinie innowacyjnych nieinwazyjnych technologii monitorowania, które znacznie poprawiają opiekę nad pacjentem rozwiązując nierozwiązywalne problemy. W 1995 roku firma zadebiutowała metodą pulsoksymetrii Measure-Through Motion i Low Perfusion, znaną pod nazwą Masimo SETreg, która praktycznie wyeliminowała fałszywe alarmy i zwiększała zdolność pulsoksymetru, aby pomóc klinicystom wykryć zdarzenia zagrażające życiu. Ponad 100 niezależnych i obiektywnych badań wykazało, że Masimo SETreg przewyższa inne technologie pulsoksymetryczne, nawet w najtrudniejszych warunkach klinicznych, w tym w ruchu pacjenta i niskiej perfuzji obwodowej. W 2005 r. Firma Masimo wprowadziła technologię tęczy reg Impuls CO-Oximetrytrade, umożliwiającą nieinwazyjne i ciągłe monitorowanie składników krwi, które wcześniej wymagały inwazyjnych procedur całkowitej hemoglobiny (SpHbreg), zawartości tlenu (SpOKtrade), karboksyhemoglobiny (SpCOreg), methemoglobiny (SpMetreg), PVIreg, i wskaźnik perfuzji (PI), oprócz pomiaru SpO2 i tętna. W 2008 r. Firma Masimo wprowadziła Patient SafetyNettrade, system zdalnego monitorowania i bezprzewodowego powiadamiania klinicystów, który ma pomóc szpitalom uniknąć zgonów i urazów związanych z zapobieganiem wypadkom. W 2009 r. Firma Masimo wprowadziła system śledzenia akustyki rainbowreg, pierwszy dostępny na rynku, nieinwazyjny i ciągły system monitorowania częstotliwości oddychania akustycznego (RRatrade). Technologie Masimo SETreg i Masimo rainbowreg można również znaleźć w ponad 100 wieloparametrowych monitorach pacjentów od ponad 50 producentów urządzeń medycznych na całym świecie. Założona w 1989 roku, Masimo ma misję poprawy wyników pacjentów i obniżenia kosztów opieki poprzez nieinwazyjne monitorowanie nowych witryn i aplikacji. Dodatkowe informacje na temat Masimo i jego produktów można znaleźć na stronie masimo. Stwierdzenia odnoszące się do przyszłości Niniejsza informacja prasowa zawiera stwierdzenia dotyczące przyszłości, określone w sekcji 27A ustawy o papierach wartościowych z 1933 r. I sekcji 21E ustawy o giełdzie papierów wartościowych z 1934 r., W związku z ustawą o reformie sądowej w sprawie sporów dotyczących papierów wartościowych z 1995 r. Te wybiegające w przyszłość oświadczenia są oparte na bieżących oczekiwaniach dotyczących przyszłych zdarzeń, które dotyczą nas i podlegają ryzyku i niepewności, z których wszystkie są trudne do przewidzenia, a wiele z nich jest poza naszą kontrolą i może spowodować, że nasze faktyczne wyniki będą się znacznie różnić od tych wyrażonych w naszej wypowiedzi prognozujące w wyniku różnych czynników ryzyka omówionych w sekcji Czynniki ryzyka w naszych najnowszych raportach złożonych w Komisji Papierów Wartościowych i Giełd (SEC), które można uzyskać za darmo na stronie internetowej SECs pod adresem sec. gov. Chociaż uważamy, że oczekiwania odzwierciedlone w naszych stwierdzeniach dotyczących przyszłości są uzasadnione, nie wiemy, czy nasze oczekiwania okażą się słuszne. Wszystkie wypowiedzi prognozujące zawarte w niniejszym komunikacie prasowym są w sposób wyraźny określone w całości przez powyższe zastrzeżenia. Ostrzega się, aby nie oprzeć się nadmiernie na tych wybiegających w przyszłość stwierdzeniach, które mówią jedynie od dzisiejszych dni. Nie zobowiązujemy się do aktualizacji, zmiany lub wyjaśnienia tych oświadczeń lub Czynników Ryzyka zawartych w naszych najnowszych raportach złożonych w SEC, czy to w wyniku nowych informacji, przyszłych zdarzeń lub w inny sposób, z wyjątkiem przypadków, gdy może to być wymagane zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami. przepisy dotyczące papierów wartościowych. EMMAtrade Palm Size Capnograph zdobywa 2017 EMS World Top Innovation Award Irvine, Kalifornia, 4 października 2017 Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) ogłosiło dzisiaj, że jego Capnograph handlowy EMMA z wyświetlaczem fali zdobył prestiżową nagrodę EMS World Top Innovation Award, kolejne wyróżnienie za mocną, przenośną urządzenie, które oferuje natychmiastową kapnografię fali, końcowy dwutlenek węgla i szybkość oddychania na wyciągnięcie ręki. EMMA była jednym z 65 produktów wprowadzonych jako nowy, innowacyjny produkt w ratownictwie medycznym. Komitet zawęził pole do finalistów, którzy zostali wybrani do szczegółowej oceny podczas ostatniej edycji EMS World Expo. 20 spośród nich zostało wybranych jako najlepsze innowacje w zakresie nowych produktów, które zostaną przedstawione w grudniowym wydaniu magazynu EMSWorld. jak również w EMSWorld. i wyprofilowane w wydaniu drukowanym w styczniu 2017 r. Rozpoczęty w lipcu 2017 r., EMMA Capnograph oferuje klinicystom ocenę końcowego ducha dwutlenku węgla (EtCO 2) i częstości oddechów, a także pomaga w rozpoznaniu powrotu do spontanicznego krążenia, dla różnych warunków klinicznych, w tym medycyny ratunkowej i transportu, , OIOM, pokoje dla pacjentów i kliniki. Wytrzymały, odporny na wodę i działający w warunkach pierwszego reagowania i innych trudnych klinicznie warunkach, Kapnograf EMMA wyświetla i monitoruje częstość oddechów i EtCO 2 w sposób ciągły z pełną dokładnością w ciągu 15 sekund po podłączeniu do obwodu oddechowego pacjentów. Zasilany przez dwie standardowe baterie AAA, mobilność EMMA pozwala na łatwe stosowanie podczas resuscytacji krążeniowo-oddechowej (CPR) i intubacji w wielu punktach opieki. Wcześniejszy produkt EMMA Capnometer zdobył nagrodę JEMS Hot Products Award w Journal of Emergency Medical Services na konferencji EMS Today Conference and Exposition. Jesteśmy zaszczyceni, że nasz Capmograph EMMA nadal zdobywa wysokie uznanie ze wszystkich stron branży EMS, powiedział Jon Coleman, prezes Masimo, Masimo Worldwide Sales, Professional Services and Medical Affairs. Nagroda EMS World Top Innovation Award jest szczególnie podnosząca na duchu, biorąc pod uwagę intensywnie konkurencyjną dziedzinę urządzeń EMS. O Masimo Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) jest światowym liderem w dziedzinie innowacyjnych nieinwazyjnych technologii monitorowania, które znacznie poprawiają opiekę nad pacjentem rozwiązując nierozwiązywalne problemy. W 1995 roku firma zadebiutowała pulsoksymetrem Measure-Through Motion i Low Perfusion, znanym jako Masimo SET reg. which virtually eliminated false alarms and increased pulse oximetrys ability to help clinicians detect life-threatening events. More than 100 independent and objective studies have shown that Masimo SET reg outperforms other pulse oximetry technologies, even under the most challenging clinical conditions, including patient motion and low peripheral perfusion. In 2005, Masimo introduced rainbow reg Pulse CO-Oximetrytrade technology, allowing noninvasive and continuous monitoring of blood constituents that previously required invasive procedures total hemoglobin (SpHb reg ), oxygen content (SpOCtrade), carboxyhemoglobin (SpCO reg ), methemoglobin (SpMet reg ), PVI reg. and perfusion index (PI), in addition to measure-through motion SpO 2 . and pulse rate. In 2008, Masimo introduced Patient SafetyNettrade, a remote monitoring and wireless clinician notification system designed to help hospitals avoid preventable deaths and injuries associated with failure to rescue events. In 2009, Masimo introduced rainbow reg Acoustic Monitoringtrade, the first-ever commercially available noninvasive and continuous monitoring of acoustic respiration rate (RRatrade). Masimo SET reg and Masimo rainbow reg technologies also can be found in over 100 multiparameter patient monitors from over 50 medical device manufacturers around the world. Founded in 1989, Masimo has the mission of Improving Patient Outcome and Reducing Cost of Care by Taking Noninvasive Monitoring to New Sites and Applications reg . Additional information about Masimo and its products may be found at masimo. Forward-Looking Statements This press release includes forward-looking statements as defined in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, in connection with the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations about future events affecting us and are subject to risks and uncertainties, all of which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond our control and could cause our actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in our forward-looking statements as a result of various risk factors, including, but not limited to: risks related to the performance of EMMA and its ability to provide end-tidal CO2 assessment during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and intubation for all patients in all clinical settings in just a few seconds as well as other factors discussed in the Risk Factors section of our most recent reports filed with t he Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which may be obtained for free at the SECs website at sec. gov. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are reasonable, we do not know whether our expectations will prove correct. All forward-looking statements included in this press release are expressly qualified in their entirety by the foregoing cautionary statements. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of todays date. We do not undertake any obligation to update, amend or clarify these forward-looking statements or the Risk Factors contained in our most recent reports filed with the SEC, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required under the applicable securities laws. Masimo CEO Joe Kiani Receives Argyros Medal for Visionary Leadership amp Commitment to Patient Safety Chapman Universitys George L. Argyros School of Business and Economics Bestows Award at Commencement Address to Class of 2017 Irvine, California May 20, 2017 Chapman Universitys George L. Argyros School of Business and Economics awarded Joe Kiani, founder, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI), the Argyros Medal for his entrepreneurship, outstanding business accomplishments, service on behalf of patient safety, and dedication and support of Chapman University. James L. Doti, President of Chapman University, and Reginald H. Gilyard, Dean of the Argyros School of Business and Economics, presented Kiani with the Argyros Medal before Joe Kiani delivered the Commencement Address to the Class of 2017. Chapman officials noted that while English is his second language, Kiani graduated high school at the age of 15, and earned his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in electrical engineering at the age of 22. Joe demonstrates the meaning of hard work and resilience, said Gilyard, and added that with the knowledge gained through education, he founded Masimo, which has grown exponentially through Joes visionary leadership and is now a trailblazer in the medical technology field. Gilyard also cited Kianis passion and commitment for patient safety through his founding of the Patient Safety, Science amp Technology Movement. with a goal to reduce preventable hospital deaths to zero by 2020, and his dedication to the Clinton Global Initiative to help alleviate maternal mortality and anemia in Sub-Sarah Africa starting with villages in Liberia and Uganda. Joe considers it his companys responsibility to make patient safety a top priority, Gilyard said. And Masimo is working tirelessly to get medical decision-makers on board with this charge. Stated Kiani: I am truly humbled and honored to receive the Argyros Medal from Chapman Universitys George L. Argyros School of Business and Economics. As I noted in my Commencement Address to the Class of 2017, success should be defined in terms of happiness. This award represents a happy occasion, as well as a solemn reminder that ethical business practices and financial profits are not mutually exclusive. About the George L. Argyros Award The George L. Argyros Award is given every year on behalf of the Honorable George L. Argyros 59. This award is given at the annual Argyros School of Business and Economics Commencement ceremony. The award is given to a member of the community who exemplifies entrepreneurship and service. The Argyros Medal honors the outstanding accomplishments of the Honorable George L. Argyros as an entrepreneur and leader in the business community, as well as his dedication and support for Chapman University. Please visit chapman. eduasbeabout-george-argyros. aspx About Masimo Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) is the global leader in innovative noninvasive monitoring technologies that significantly improve patient carehelping solve unsolvable problems. In 1995, the company debuted Measure-Through Motion and Low Perfusion pulse oximetry, known as Masimo SETreg, which virtually eliminated false alarms and increased pulse oximetrys ability to help clinicians detect life-threatening events. More than 100 independent and objective studies have shown that Masimo SETreg outperforms other pulse oximetry technologies, even under the most challenging clinical conditions, including patient motion and low peripheral perfusion. In 2005, Masimo introduced rainbow SETreg Pulse CO-Oximetry technology, allowing noninvasive and continuous monitoring of blood constituents that previously required invasive procedures total hemoglobin (SpHbreg), oxygen content (SpOCTM), carboxyhemoglobin (SpCOreg), methemoglobin (SpMetreg), PVIreg, and perfusion index (PI), in addition to measure-through motion SpO2, and pulse rate. In 2008, Masimo introduced Patient SafetyNettrade, a remote monitoring and wireless clinician notification system designed to help hospitals avoid preventable deaths and injuries associated with failure to rescue events. In 2009, Masimo introduced rainbowreg Acoustic Monitoring TM. the first-ever commercially available noninvasive and continuous monitoring of acoustic respiration rate (RRatrade). Masimo SETreg and Masimo rainbowreg technologies also can be found in over 100 multiparameter patient monitors from over 50 medical device manufacturers around the world. Founded in 1989, Masimo has the mission of Improving Patient Outcome and Reducing Cost of Care by Taking Noninvasive Monitoring to New Sites and Applicationsreg. Additional information about Masimo and its products may be found at masimo. Forward Looking Statements This press release includes forward-looking statements as defined in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, in connection with the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations about future events affecting us and are subject to risks and uncertainties, all of which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond our control and could cause our actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in our forward-looking statements as a result of various risk factors, including, but not limited to: whether Mr. Kianis receipt of the Argyros Medal will have any material effect on our business, as well as other factors discussed in the Risk Factors section of our most recent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which may be obtained for free at the SECs website at sec. gov. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are reasonable, we do not know whether our expectations will prove correct. All forward-looking statements included in this press release are expressly qualified in their entirety by the foregoing cautionary statements. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of todays date. We do not undertake any obligation to update, amend or clarify these forward-looking statements or the Risk Factors contained in our most recent reports filed with the SEC, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required under the applicable securities laws. Masimo iSpO2 Pulse Oximeter amp EMMA Emergency Capnometer Earn JEMS Hot Products Awards at EMS Today 2017 Conference amp Exposition Masimo One of Two Companies (out of 300) to Win Two Awards at 31st Annual Industry-Leading Emergency Medical Services Event IRVINE, California ndash April 29, 2017 ndash Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) announced today that its iSpO2 trade pulse oximeter for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch and EMMA trade Emergency Capnometer earned JEMS Hot Product awards. Only two companies received dual Hot Product award honors at the EMS Today 2017 Conference amp Exposition, the industrys leading emergency medical services (EMS) event held recently in Washington, D. C. A dozen judges reviewed and evaluated products that had recently been introduced into the emergency service industry by the more than 300 exhibitors at the EMS Today 2017 Conference amp Exhibition and rated each of them on originality, functionality, ease of use, and need in the EMS setting. The top 25 products were then selected as the hottest new products shown at EMS Today 2017. This year just two companies got two products selected in the top 25 quite an achievement, said AJ Heightman, editor-in-chief of JEMS. We have had very few double winners in the past. The EMMA Mainstream Capnometer measures, displays, and monitors respiratory rate and end-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2) continuously when connected to a patients breathing circuit. EMMAs portability allows for use during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and intubation in multiple points of care including pre-hospital, rapid response, emergency medicine, operating room, intensive care unit, and long-term acute care. Because EMMA is integrated into the breathing circuit for easy viewing during CPR and endotracheal tube placement, it is highly accessible during transport andor emergency ventilation scenariosallowing quick assessment in just a few seconds. The Masimo iSpO 2 trade is a consumer pulse oximeter utilizing Masimo SET reg technology the same technology used in leading hospitals worldwide, providing accurate measurements even during the challenging conditions of motion and low perfusion for use with iPhone, iPad or iPod touch with 30-pin connector to noninvasively measure blood oxygenation, pulse rate and perfusion index. iSpO 2 is for short-term sports and aviation use and is not intended for medical use. We are honored that our iSpO 2 pulse oximeter and EMMA capnometer received two prestigious JEMS Hot Products Awards at EMS Today, the preeminent conference and exhibition for the emergency services industry, said Jon Coleman, Masimo President of Worldwide Sales and Marketing and Clinical Research. Masimo has always been committed to taking monitoring technologies to new sites and applications, and were equally committed to launching more award-winning products. About Masimo Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) is the global leader in innovative noninvasive monitoring technologies that significantly improve patient carehelping solve unsolvable problems. In 1995, the company debuted Measure-Through Motion and Low Perfusion pulse oximetry, known as Masimo SETreg, which virtually eliminated false alarms and increased pulse oximetrys ability to help clinicians detect life-threatening events. More than 100 independent and objective studies have shown that Masimo SETreg outperforms other pulse oximetry technologies, even under the most challenging clinical conditions, including patient motion and low peripheral perfusion. In 2005, Masimo introduced rainbow reg Pulse CO-Oximetry trade technology, allowing noninvasive and continuous monitoring of blood constituents that previously required invasive procedures total hemoglobin (SpHbreg), oxygen content (SpOC trade ), carboxyhemoglobin (SpCOreg), methemoglobin (SpMetreg), PVIreg, and perfusion index (PI), in addition to measure-through motion SpO2, and pulse rate. In 2008, Masimo introduced Patient SafetyNet trade. a remote monitoring and wireless clinician notification system designed to help hospitals avoid preventable deaths and injuries associated with failure to rescue events. In 2009, Masimo introduced rainbowreg Acoustic Monitoring trade. the first-ever commercially available noninvasive and continuous monitoring of acoustic respiration rate (RRa trade ). Masimo SETreg and Masimo rainbowreg technologies also can be found in over 100 multiparameter patient monitors from over 50 medical device manufacturers around the world. Founded in 1989, Masimo has the mission of Improving Patient Outcome and Reducing Cost of Care by Taking Noninvasive Monitoring to New Sites and Applicationsreg. Additional information about Masimo and its products may be found at masimo . Forward-Looking Statements This press release includes forward-looking statements as defined in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, in connection with the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations about future events affecting us and are subject to risks and uncertainties, all of which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond our control and could cause our actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in our forward-looking statements as a result of various risk factors, including, but not limited to: risks related to the performance of iSpO2 with Masimo SET technology and its ability to provide accurate measurements even during the challenging conditions of motion and low perfusion risks related to the performance of EMMA and its ability to provide quick assessment in just a few seconds in all cases, as well as other factors discussed in the Risk Factors section of our most recent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which may be obtained for free at the SECs website at sec. gov. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are reasonable, we do not know whether our expectations will prove correct. All forward-looking statements included in this press release are expressly qualified in their entirety by the foregoing cautionary statements. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of todays date. We do not undertake any obligation to update, amend or clarify these statements or the Risk Factors contained in our most recent reports filed with the SEC, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required under the applicable securities laws. Masimo Pronto-7reg Wins GOLD Steviereg Award for Best New Health Product Irvine, California September 20, 2017 Masimo Corporation (NASDAQ: MASI) announced today that its Pronto-7reg handheld noninvasive hemoglobin, arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2), pulse rate, and perfusion index spot-check testing device earned a 2017 GOLD Steviereg American Business Award for the Best New Product or Service in the Health amp Pharmaceuticals category. This marks the fourth industry award the innovative Pronto-7 has won since its commercialization last year. The 2017 Stevie Award winners were honored recently at a presentation ceremony at the Julia Morgan Ballroom, Merchants Exchange in San Francisco. The Pronto-7 is a palm-sized device designed for quick-and-easy noninvasive total hemoglobin (SpHbreg) spot-check testing, along with SpO2, pulse rate, and perfusion index. Extremely lightweight at approximately 296g, the Pronto-7 delivers total hemoglobin measurement resultsa physiological parameter that previously required an invasive blood draw and time-consuming lab analysisin under one minute. Offering needle-less and pain-free hemoglobin testing, the Pronto-7 is a cost-effective solution for immediate, on-the-spot hemoglobin testing that is raising the expectations of patients and clinicians alike to more advanced healthcare at the earliest moment of care. We are honored the Pronto-7 has earned a GOLD Stevie award, emerging atop an extremely competitive field this year, said Joe Kiani, Founder and CEO of Masimo. The Pronto-7 incorporates some of Masimos most advanced technology to help overcome many of the challenges and risks associated with invasive hemoglobin sampling for both clinicians and patients enabling fast, accurate, painless, needle-free total hemoglobin measurements. The Stevie Awards were created to honor and generate public recognition of the achievements and positive contributions of organizations and business people worldwide. Beginning with The American Business Awards in 2002, The International Business Awards in 2003, The Stevie Awards for Women in Business in 2004, and the Stevie Awards for Sales amp Customer Service in 2006, the programs mission is to raise the profile of exemplary organizations and individuals among the press, the business community, and the general public. The Stevie has become one of the worlds most coveted awards. The American Business Awards are judged each year by more than 200 executives nationwide. Sponsors include several of the top business publishers and marketers. About Masimo Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) is the global leader in innovative noninvasive monitoring technologies that significantly improve patient carehelping solve quotunsolvablequot problems. In 1995, the company debuted Measure-Through Motion and Low Perfusion pulse oximetry, known as Masimo SET reg. which virtually eliminated false alarms and increased pulse oximetrys ability to detect life-threatening events. More than 100 independent and objective studies demonstrate Masimo SET provides the most reliable SpO 2 and pulse rate measurements even under the most challenging clinical conditions, including patient motion and low peripheral perfusion. In 2005, Masimo introduced rainbow SET reg Pulse CO-Oximetry trade technology, allowing noninvasive and continuous monitoring of blood constituents that previously required invasive procedures, including total hemoglobin (SpHb reg ), oxygen content (SpOC trade ), carboxyhemoglobin (SpCO reg ), methemoglobin (SpMet reg ), and Pleth Variability Index (PVI reg ), in addition to SpO2, pulse rate, and perfusion index (PI). In 2008, the company introduced Masimo SafetyNet trade. a remote monitoring and wireless clinician notification system designed to help hospitals avoid preventable deaths and injuries associated with failure to rescue events. In 2009, Masimo introduced rainbow Acoustic Monitoring trade. the first-ever noninvasive and continuous monitoring of acoustic respiration rate (RRa trade ). Masimos rainbow SET technology platform offers a breakthrough in patient safety by helping clinicians detect life-threatening conditions and helping guide treatment options. In 2017, Masimo acquired SedLine reg. a pioneer in the development of innovative brain function monitoring technology and devices. Masimo SET and Masimo rainbow SET technologies can also be found in over 100 multiparameter patient monitors from over 50 medical device manufacturers around the world. Founded in 1989, Masimo has the mission of quotImproving Patient Outcome and Reducing Cost of Care by Taking Noninvasive Monitoring to New Sites and Applications reg. quot Additional information about Masimo and its products may be found at masimo. Forward-Looking Statements This press release includes forward-looking statements as defined in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, in connection with the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations about future events affecting us and are subject to risks and uncertainties, all of which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond our control and could cause our actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in our forward-looking statements as a result of various risk factors, including, but not limited to: risks related to our assumptions of the repeatability of clinical results obtained using the new Masimo Pronto-7 and noninvasive sensor sizes, risks related to our belief that the Pronto-7 enables quick and easy noninvasive spot-checking of hemoglobin (SpHb reg ), SpO 2. pulse rate, and perfusion index at the point - of-care for all patients, as well as other factors discussed in the Risk Factors section of our most recent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ), which may be obtained for free at the SECs website at sec. gov. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are reasonable, we do not know whether our expectations will prove correct. All forward-looking statements included in this press release are expressly qualified in their entirety by the foregoing cautionary statements. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of todays date. We do not undertake any obligation to update, amend or clarify these statements or the Risk Factors contained in our most recent reports filed with the SEC, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required under the applicable securities laws. Masimo Corporation Founder and CEO Joe Kiani Named Ernst amp Young National Entrepreneur Of The Year 2017 Life Sciences Award Winner Joe Kiani honored for revolutionizing todays health care technologies with the invention and commercialization of noninvasive patient monitoring devices IRVINE, California, November 20, 2017 Joe Kiani, founder, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Masimo Corporation, has been named the Ernst amp Young National Entrepreneur Of The Year 2017 Life Sciences Award Winner. The Ernst amp Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Award is the countrys most prestigious business award for entrepreneurs. The award encourages entrepreneurial activity and recognizes leaders and visionaries who demonstrate innovation, financial success and personal commitment as they create and build world-class businesses. Kiani was recognized for revolutionizing the health care industry by taking risks to create and commercialize noninvasive patient monitoring devices, which include a wide array of sensors that lead to improved accuracy, a reduction in the overall number of false readings, and ultimately, reduced cost of care. Kiani was honored at the Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards gala, the culminating event of the Ernst amp Young Strategic Growth Forum in Palm Springs, Calif. The Forum is the nations premier gathering of high-growth, market-leading companies. Awards were given in nine additional categories. The Ernst amp Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Award winners were selected by an independent panel of judges from 244 regional award recipients. We are pleased to honor Joe Kiani with this esteemed award and recognize him for his perseverance, passion, and innovative mind all of which continue to make a positive impact on health care and patient monitoring technologies, said Bryan Pearce, Americas Director, Entrepreneur Of The Year, Ernst amp Young LLP. Joes innovative approach, discipline and triumph over the years truly demonstrate the meaning of the entrepreneurial spirit weve come to celebrate over the last 26 years. The early rise and collapse By training, Kiani is an electrical engineer, graduating from high school at the mere age of 15. Kianirsquos entrepreneurial spirit sprouted early on at his first job, a smaller company with pulse oximeter technology, where he worked in exchange for stock not cash. Kianirsquos aptitude and contributions led to his swift rise to the top as president of the company, after its upcoming merger, at an early age. But as hasty as the rise, Kiani quickly learned an important aspect of ethics and integrity. As a result of his efforts in honesty, Kiani was blamed for the collapse of the companyrsquos pending merger. This decision and outcome ultimately led to Masimo Corporation. Passion amp discipline: never settle for less With Kianirsquos developed passion for adaptive signal processing for noninvasive monitoring, he took the money he had saved and a 40,000 bank loan and began to develop noninvasive patient monitoring technology from his garage. Within three short years of maintaining a strong financial discipline, Kiani had raised substantial capital and was well on his way to creating medical technology that has transformed the health care industry today technology that would not exist were it not for Masimo Corporation. Despite hospital administrators and clinicians embracing Masimorsquos superior technology, Kiani still faced barriers. Larger, more established companies and group purchasing organizations (GPOs) were reluctant to let Masimo Corporation succeed in the market. Kiani stuck by his belief of always doing what is right for patient care and emerged victorious after Senate investigations into anticompetitive practices of GPOs and established companies, including his main rival, where Kiani testified twice in front of the U. S. Senate Judiciary Committee, and a seven-year patent infringement legal battle a battle that threatened to bankrupt Masimo. Giving back and thriving As Masimo emerged as a success story in the medical industry, many advised Kiani to buy out his existing shareholders. But instead, he distributed much of his profit in a special dividend and offered a substantial appreciation bonus to employees. Soon after, Kiani knew Masimo could achieve bigger and better things, and in order to do so, he took the company public. In its first five years as a public company, Masimo Corporation product revenues increased by more than 100 percent, and net income increased by more than 175 percent. Throughout it all, Kiani never stopped taking risks to grow what is now a multi-million dollar public company with more than 2,700 employees. About Ernst amp Youngs Entrepreneur Of The Year Ernst amp Youngs Entrepreneur Of The Year is the worlds most prestigious business award for entrepreneurs. The unique award makes a difference through the way it encourages entrepreneurial activity among those with potential and recognizes the contribution of people who inspire others with their vision, leadership and achievement. As the first and only truly global award of its kind, Entrepreneur Of The Year celebrates those who are building and leading successful, growing and dynamic businesses, recognizing them through regional, national and global awards programs in more than 140 cities in 50 countries. About Ernst amp Young Ernst amp Young is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. Worldwide, our 167,000 people are united by our shared values and an unwavering commitment to quality. We make a difference by helping our people, our clients and our wider communities achieve their potential. For more information, please visit ey. SOURCE Ernst amp Young Masimo Pronto-7reg Wins GOLD Steviereg Award for Best New Health Product Irvine, California September 20, 2017 Masimo Corporation (NASDAQ: MASI) announced today that its Pronto-7reg handheld noninvasive hemoglobin, arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2), pulse rate, and perfusion index spot-check testing device earned a 2017 GOLD Steviereg American Business Award for the Best New Product or Service in the Health amp Pharmaceuticals category. This marks the fourth industry award the innovative Pronto-7 has won since its commercialization last year. The 2017 Stevie Award winners were honored recently at a presentation ceremony at the Julia Morgan Ballroom, Merchants Exchange in San Francisco. The Pronto-7 is a palm-sized device designed for quick-and-easy noninvasive total hemoglobin (SpHbreg) spot-check testing, along with SpO2, pulse rate, and perfusion index. Extremely lightweight at approximately 296g, the Pronto-7 delivers total hemoglobin measurement resultsa physiological parameter that previously required an invasive blood draw and time-consuming lab analysisin under one minute. Offering needle-less and pain-free hemoglobin testing, the Pronto-7 is a cost-effective solution for immediate, on-the-spot hemoglobin testing that is raising the expectations of patients and clinicians alike to more advanced healthcare at the earliest moment of care. We are honored the Pronto-7 has earned a GOLD Stevie award, emerging atop an extremely competitive field this year, said Joe Kiani, Founder and CEO of Masimo. The Pronto-7 incorporates some of Masimos most advanced technology to help overcome many of the challenges and risks associated with invasive hemoglobin sampling for both clinicians and patients enabling fast, accurate, painless, needle-free total hemoglobin measurements. The Stevie Awards were created to honor and generate public recognition of the achievements and positive contributions of organizations and business people worldwide. Beginning with The American Business Awards in 2002, The International Business Awards in 2003, The Stevie Awards for Women in Business in 2004, and the Stevie Awards for Sales amp Customer Service in 2006, the programs mission is to raise the profile of exemplary organizations and individuals among the press, the business community, and the general public. The Stevie has become one of the worlds most coveted awards. The American Business Awards are judged each year by more than 200 executives nationwide. Sponsors include several of the top business publishers and marketers. About Masimo Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) is the global leader in innovative noninvasive monitoring technologies that significantly improve patient carehelping solve quotunsolvablequot problems. In 1995, the company debuted Measure-Through Motion and Low Perfusion pulse oximetry, known as Masimo SET reg. which virtually eliminated false alarms and increased pulse oximetrys ability to detect life-threatening events. More than 100 independent and objective studies demonstrate Masimo SET provides the most reliable SpO 2 and pulse rate measurements even under the most challenging clinical conditions, including patient motion and low peripheral perfusion. In 2005, Masimo introduced rainbow SET reg Pulse CO-Oximetry trade technology, allowing noninvasive and continuous monitoring of blood constituents that previously required invasive procedures, including total hemoglobin (SpHb reg ), oxygen content (SpOC trade ), carboxyhemoglobin (SpCO reg ), methemoglobin (SpMet reg ), and Pleth Variability Index (PVI reg ), in addition to SpO2, pulse rate, and perfusion index (PI). In 2008, the company introduced Masimo SafetyNet trade. a remote monitoring and wireless clinician notification system designed to help hospitals avoid preventable deaths and injuries associated with failure to rescue events. In 2009, Masimo introduced rainbow Acoustic Monitoring trade. the first-ever noninvasive and continuous monitoring of acoustic respiration rate (RRa trade ). Masimos rainbow SET technology platform offers a breakthrough in patient safety by helping clinicians detect life-threatening conditions and helping guide treatment options. In 2017, Masimo acquired SedLine reg. a pioneer in the development of innovative brain function monitoring technology and devices. Masimo SET and Masimo rainbow SET technologies can also be found in over 100 multiparameter patient monitors from over 50 medical device manufacturers around the world. Founded in 1989, Masimo has the mission of quotImproving Patient Outcome and Reducing Cost of Care by Taking Noninvasive Monitoring to New Sites and Applications reg. quot Additional information about Masimo and its products may be found at masimo. Forward-Looking Statements This press release includes forward-looking statements as defined in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, in connection with the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations about future events affecting us and are subject to risks and uncertainties, all of which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond our control and could cause our actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in our forward-looking statements as a result of various risk factors, including, but not limited to: risks related to our assumptions of the repeatability of clinical results obtained using the new Masimo Pronto-7 and noninvasive sensor sizes, risks related to our belief that the Pronto-7 enables quick and easy noninvasive spot-checking of hemoglobin (SpHb reg ), SpO 2. pulse rate, and perfusion index at the point - of-care for all patients, as well as other factors discussed in the Risk Factors section of our most recent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ), which may be obtained for free at the SECs website at sec. gov. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are reasonable, we do not know whether our expectations will prove correct. All forward-looking statements included in this press release are expressly qualified in their entirety by the foregoing cautionary statements. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of todays date. We do not undertake any obligation to update, amend or clarify these statements or the Risk Factors contained in our most recent reports filed with the SEC, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required under the applicable securities laws. Masimo CEO Joe Kiani Named Ernst amp Young Entrepreneur of the Year Irvine, California June 8, 2017 Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) CEO and founder Joe Kiani received the Ernst amp Young (Orange County) Entrepreneur of the Year reg Award during a gala at the St. Regis Monarch Beach Resort in Dana Point, Calif. Thursday evening. Kiani is an inventor of pioneering noninvasive patient-monitoring devices, a trusted voice for patient safety and care, and a convention-breaking maverick. Founded in 1989, Masimo has grown from a garage startup into a successful publicly traded company, employing more than 2,500 people worldwide. The company makes and markets Measure-through-Motion and Low Perfusion (blood flow) pulse oximetry technology such as Masimo rainbow reg SET Pulse CO-Oximetry trade a breakthrough platform that allows noninvasive, continuous monitoring of blood constituents and physiological parameters that previously required invasive procedures, including: total hemoglobin (SpHb reg ), oxygen content (SpOC trade ), carboxyhemoglobin (SpCO reg ), methemoglobin (SpMet reg ), Pleth Variability Index (PVI reg ), and acoustic respiration rate (RRa trade ), in addition to the Measure-through Motion and Low Perfusion performance of Masimo SET reg oxyhemoglobin (SpO 2 ), perfusion index (PI), and pulse rate (PR). In 2006, Kiani and Masimo emerged victorious after a seven-year patent-infringement battle against a larger competitor. His underdog story is a testament to the power of the American Dream. The company filed for a successful initial public offering in 2007. Forbes named Masimo one of the best small public companies in the United States (November 2017). The company also has earned dozens of industry honors, including the 2017 TechAmerica High-Tech Innovation Award the 2017 Gold Medal Medical Design Excellence Award the 2017 iF Product Design Award and multiple Zenith awards, among others. In 2017, Kiani created the Masimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation and Competition in Healthcare to encourage and promote activities, programs, and research opportunities that improve patient safety and deliver advanced healthcare to people worldwide who may not otherwise have access to lifesaving technologies. This is an honor and one thats made possible by the incredible, passionate and hard-working people at Masimo, who are motivated to help improve patient care and reduce healthcare costs, Kiani said of the Entrepreneur of the Year award. We look forward to continuing to innovate, while taking noninvasive monitoring to new sites and applications. About Ernst amp Young Entrepreneur of the Year Ernst amp Young Entrepreneur of the Year is the worlds most prestigious business award for entrepreneurs. The unique award makes a difference through the way it encourages entrepreneurial activity among those with potential, and recognizes the contribution of people who inspire others with their vision, leadership and achievement. As the first and only truly global award of its kind, Entrepreneur of the Year celebrates those who are building and leading successful, growing and dynamic businesses, recognizing them through regional, national and global awards programs in more than 140 cities in more than 50 countries. About Masimo Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) is the global leader in innovative noninvasive monitoring technologies that significantly improve patient carehelping solve quotunsolvablequot problems. In 1995, the company debuted Measure-Through Motion and Low Perfusion pulse oximetry, known as Masimo SET reg. which virtually eliminated false alarms and increased pulse oximetrys ability to detect life-threatening events. More than 100 independent and objective studies demonstrate Masimo SET provides the most reliable SpO 2 and pulse rate measurements even under the most challenging clinical conditions, including patient motion and low peripheral perfusion. In 2005, Masimo introduced rainbow SET reg Pulse CO-Oximetry trade technology, allowing noninvasive and continuous monitoring of blood constituents that previously required invasive procedures, including total hemoglobin (SpHb reg ), oxygen content (SpOC trade ), carboxyhemoglobin (SpCO reg ), methemoglobin (SpMet reg ), and Pleth Variability Index (PVI reg ), in addition to SpO2, pulse rate, and perfusion index (PI). In 2008, the company introduced Masimo SafetyNet trade. a remote monitoring and wireless clinician notification system designed to help hospitals avoid preventable deaths and injuries associated with failure to rescue events. In 2009, Masimo introduced rainbow Acoustic Monitoring trade. the first-ever noninvasive and continuous monitoring of acoustic respiration rate (RRatrade). Masimos rainbow SET technology platform offers a breakthrough in patient safety by helping clinicians detect life-threatening conditions and helping guide treatment options. In 2017, Masimo acquired SedLine reg. a pioneer in the development of innovative brain function monitoring technology and devices. Masimo SET and Masimo rainbow SET technologies can also be found in over 100 multiparameter patient monitors from over 50 medical device manufacturers around the world. Founded in 1989, Masimo has the mission of quotImproving Patient Outcome and Reducing Cost of Care by Taking Noninvasive Monitoring to New Sites and Applications reg. quot Additional information about Masimo and its products may be found at masimo. Forward-Looking Statements This press release includes forward-looking statements as defined in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, in connection with the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations about future events affecting us and are subject to risks and uncertainties, all of which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond our control and could cause our actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in our forward-looking statements as a result of various risk factors, including, but not limited to: risks related to our assumptions of the repeatability of clinical results obtained using the new Masimo Pronto-7 and noninvasive sensor sizes, risks related to our belief that the Pronto-7 enables quick and easy noninvasive spot-checking of hemoglobin (SpHb reg ), SpO 2. pulse rate, and perfusion index at the point - of-care for all patients, as well as other factors discussed in the Risk Factors section of our most recent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ), which may be obtained for free at the SECs website at sec. gov. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are reasonable, we do not know whether our expectations will prove correct. All forward-looking statements included in this press release are expressly qualified in their entirety by the foregoing cautionary statements. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of todays date. We do not undertake any obligation to update, amend or clarify these statements or the Risk Factors contained in our most recent reports filed with the SEC, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required under the applicable securities laws. Masimo Pronto-7 Receives 2017 TechAmerica High-Tech Innovation Award mdash One of OCs Largest and Longest Running Technology Celebrations June 9, 2017 The Masimo Pronto-7 trade handheld noninvasive hemoglobin, arterial oxygen saturation (SpO 2 ), pulse rate, and perfusion index spot-check testing device has been named the 2017 TechAmerica High-Tech Innovation Award winner in the medical devices category. The premier high-tech innovation event in the OC (California), TechAmerica celebrates excellence and achievement in the regions technology industryhonoring local companies, individuals, and products that drive innovation in Orange County and Inland Empire. This years High-Tech Innovation Award winners were recognized during a special awards ceremony at the Hyatt Regency in Irvine, Calif. on June 9, 2017, which drew nearly 400 luminaries from local high-tech companies, financial and government institutions, as well as academic leaders, students, and investors. Honored as a breakthrough in hemoglobin spot-check testing for its ability to quickly and easily measure hemoglobin, arterial oxygen saturation (SpO 2 ), pulse rate, and perfusion index noninvasively without the pain and wait associated with invasive blood tests, Pronto-7 represents a cost-effective solution for immediate, on-the-spot testing that has the potential to advance the quality and delivery of healthcare around the world. This region (Orange County, California) boasts many noteworthy individuals, companies, and products that help advance the business of technology not only in Orange County but also throughout the world, said Bob Brunson, director, TechAmerica Orange County. This year we saw a record number of 100 nominations, including many from companies new to the competition. We congratulate all of this years finalists, and look forward to celebrating their achievements with them and the local business community. TechAmericaformed by the merger of AeA (formerly the American Electronics Association), the Cyber Security Industry Alliance (CSIA), the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) and the Government Electronics amp Information Technology Association (GEIA)mdashis the leading voice for the U. S. technology industry and the driving force behind productivity growth and jobs creation in the United States and the foundation of the global innovation economy. Representing nearly 1,200 member companies of all sizes from the public and commercial sectors of the economy, TechAmerica is the industrys largest advocacy organization and the technology industrys only grassroots-to-global advocacy network, with offices and partnerships in state capitals across the country, Washington DC, Europe (Brussels), Asia (Beijing), and around the world. The new Pronto-7 with small, medium, and large size finger sensors will soon be launched internationally and is pending FDA 510(k) Clearance in the U. S. Masimo Pronto-7 Wins GOLD in the 2017 Medical Design Excellence Award Competitionmdashthe Premier Awards Program for the Medical Technology Community Irvine, California June 8, 2017 Masimo Corporation (NASDAQ: MASI) announced today that its Pronto-7 trade handheld noninvasive hemoglobin, arterial oxygen saturation (SpO 2 ), pulse rate, and perfusion index spot-check testing device has received the GOLD 2017 Medical Design Excellence Awardmdashthe highest award given in the general hospital devices and therapeutic products category. The 2017 Medical Design Excellence Award winners were honored today at a presentation ceremony in New York Citys Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, in conjunction with the Medical Design amp Manufacturing (MDampM) East Conference and Exposition (MDMEast ). The palm-sized Masimo Pronto-7 trade offers noninvasive hemoglobin, SpO 2 . pulse rate, and PI spot-check results. The Medical Design Excellence Awards competition (MDEAwards ) is organized and presented by UBM Canon (Los Angeles) and is the only awards program that exclusively recognizes contributions and advances in the design of medical products. Entries are evaluated on the basis of their design and engineering features, including innovative use of materials, user related functions that improve healthcare delivery and change traditional medical attitudes or practices, features that provide enhanced benefits to the patient, and the ability of the product development team to overcome design and engineering challenges so that the product meets its clinical objectives. A comprehensive review of the entries was performed by an impartial, multidisciplinary panel of third-party jurors with expertise in biomedical engineering, human factors, industrial design, medicine, and diagnostics. The Pronto-7 is truly an incredible breakthrough for clinical users. The palm-sized device was designed for quick-and-easy noninvasive hemoglobin (SpHb reg ) spot-check testing, along with SpO 2 . pulse rate, and perfusion index. Extremely lightweight at approximately 296g, the Pronto-7 delivers total hemoglobin measurement resultsa physiological parameter that previously required an invasive blood draw. Offering needle-less and pain-free hemoglobin blood testing, the Pronto-7 is a cost-effective solution for immediate, on-the-spot hemoglobin testing that is raising the expectations of patients and clinicians alike to more advanced healthcare at the earliest moment of care. We are honored that the judges have selected Pronto-7 as a GOLD MDEA winning product, said Joe Kiani, Founder and CEO of Masimo. Pronto-7 was designed to help overcome many of the challenges and risks associated with invasive hemoglobin sampling for both clinicians and patientsenabling fast, accurate, painless, needle - and risk-free total hemoglobin measurements. The new Pronto-7 with small, medium, and large size finger sensors will soon be launched internationally and is pending FDA 510(k) Clearance in the U. S. Masimo Pronto-7 Honored with the International Seal of Product Design Excellence as a 2017 iF Product Design Award Winner Irvine, California ndash March, 2017 ndash The Masimo Pronto-7 has been named as one of the prestigious 2017 iF Product Design Award winners in medicine healthcare. Since 1953, the iF product design award has been internationally known as the most important award for innovative product designhonoring designers and manufacturers with a label of excellence that reflects current trends in outstanding design. iF product award winners are selected by a jury of international experts who convene over two days to evaluate first-hand the design quality, finish, choice of materials, degree of innovation, environmental impact, functionality, ergonomics, visualization of intended use, safety, brand value branding, and aspects of universal design. 993 products, out of 2,756 product entries from 1,121 participants in 43 countries, received the renowned iF product design award seal of excellence across 16 categories. According to the jury, Many well-known companies, and especially those with longstanding traditions, are increasingly refocusing on their own brand values and know-how that made them the successful manufacturers they are today. This year there were several extremely good examples of designs in which the brand philosophy of a company was communicated in a particularly successful fashion. Particularly in times of economic upheaval, design represents a crucial factor with regards to value creation and market success. In many of the submitted products, design clearly was the benchmark aspect. Pronto-7 is a palm-sized noninvasive total hemoglobin (SpHb), arterial oxygen saturation (SpO 2 ), pulse rate, and perfusion index spot-check testing device (weighing just 10.5 ounces) that offers a breakthrough new solution for noninvasively measuring hemoglobin in less than one minutewithout the needles, time-consuming laboratory analysis, risk of blood contamination, hazardous medical waste, and patient discomfort associated with traditional blood tests. It puts the power of a blood lab into any clinicians hands, in virtually any environmentallowing more patients to be assessed more easily. Masimo Awarded Prestigious 2017 Zenith Award for Third Straight Year Irvine, California ndash December 13, 2017 ndash Underscoring the Companys commitment, dedication, and industry leadership in providing best-in-breed, innovative patient care solutions, Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) received its third consecutive Zenith Award. As the AARCs top industry honor for quality and service excellence, more than 400 companies were eligible for one of five Zenith Award honors. Award winners are chosen by the associations membershipmore than 44,000 respiratory care professionalsbased upon the quality of the companys equipment andor supplies, responsiveness, service record, truth in advertising, accessibility and helpfulness of sales personnel, and overall support of the respiratory care profession. Masimo Wins GHX 2017 Respiratory Product Best-in-Class Award Annual Awards Honor Medical Manufacturers for Greatest Market Share Growth Irvine, California March 25, 2017 - Masimo has received the 2017 Global Healthcare Exchange (GHX) Best-in-Class Award for achieving the nations highest year-over-year market share growth for distributed products in the Respiratory product category for the third straight year. Best-in-Class status is determined through a combination of year-over-year market share growth and total market share through the end of 2009. The winners were honored at the 10th Annual GHX Supply Chain Summit in Orlando, Florida, March 29-31, 2017. We are extremely pleased to honor Masimo for its leadership position in the Respiratory product category, said Ed McCauley, vice president, E-Sourcing and Business Intelligence, GHX. Their performance proves that despite the down economy there continues to be market opportunities for manufacturers if they know where to target their sales efforts. Masimo was among 31 leading medical-surgical product manufacturers recognized by GHX in six market segments and 35 product categories, ranging from electrosurgical products to microbiology reagents. Winners were determined using GHX Market Intelligence reports that analyze national distributed sales transaction data. With information provided by 27 of the nations leading distributors, GHX Market Intelligence tracks and reports on more than 35.5 billion of distributed sales for medical-surgical and clinical laboratory supplies and devices. It is the only comprehensive source for accurate, detailed and timely data for the acute and alternate site healthcare markets, containing geographically relevant and competitive market share, size and average selling price reporting down to the three-digit ZIP code level. 2009 North American Patient Monitoring CEO of the Year Award - Joe E. Kiani The 2009 Frost amp Sullivan CEO of the Year Award in the North American Patient Monitoring market is presented to Mr. Joe E. Kiani (Mr. Kiani), the founder, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and CEO of Masimo, a global medical technology company. The Award is presented in recognition of Mr. Kianis laudable accomplishments in launching Masimo as a platform to conceptualize and develop novel noninvasive patient monitoring technologies. As the CEO of Masimo, Mr. Kiani has demonstrated unprecedented ability in understanding customer requirements, developing new technologies, delivering relevant products, and thereby exploiting new market opportunities. In leading Masimo, he has not only made technology innovation the core of the companys philosophy but also equally emphasized protection of that innovation through patent licensing and OEM contracts with established patient monitoring manufacturing companies such as GE Medical, Philips, Zoll, Atom, Draeger, and Medtronic. While accomplishing all of these things, Masimo and Mr. Kiani have also been recognized for their integrity in conducting business and truthfulness in advertising. An Industry Icon Mr. Kiani enjoys an iconic status in the industry by virtue of his pioneering contributions and proven capabilities in transforming a humble start-up venture into a leading publicly-traded company. After earning his B. S.E. E. and M. S.E. E. degrees from San Diego State University, Mr. Kiani served as Regional Technical Manager for Anthem Electronics, Inc, and as Field Applications Engineer for Bell industries, Inc. Moreover, he had also served Unisys Corporation as a Product Engineer. Finally, in 1989 Mr. Kiani laid the foundation of Masimo with the explicit goal to improve the precision of pulse oximetry monitoring equipment. Mr. Kiani also carries other responsibilities as a Board member of Saba Software, Inc a software company specialized in human capital development and management solutions and as chairman of the Medical Device Manufacturers Association. A True Innovation Leader As a technology innovator, Mr. Kiani has always been intrigued by complex technical challenges. In his early career, he identified the inadequacies of conventional pulse oximetry monitoring equipment. Simultaneously, he also recognized the opportunity to apply adaptive filters and innovative signal processing technologies, named Signal Extraction Technology reg in measuring physiological parameters. This technology application could potentially address the issue of motion artifact and low signal to noise problem that afflicted pulse oximetry. With the assistance of his friend, Mohamed Diab, an engineer, Mr. Kiani embarked on achieving the impossible goal of developing a pulse oximetry technology that provides precise, reliable measurements during low peripheral profusion and patient motion. The outcome of this endeavor was the invention of a breakthrough technology in pulse oximetry, Masimo SET, which considerably reduced false alarms and increased the instruments capability of detecting critical conditions. This revolutionary discovery marked the beginning of Masimos legacy as pulse oximetry technology innovator developing and manufacturing advanced, unique equipment each year. Under Mr. Kianis leadership, in 2005 Masimo unveiled its second ground-breaking innovation, Masimo Rainbow SET Pulse CO-Oximetry with the advanced ability to measure several blood constituents that traditionally necessitated invasive methods. Considerable enhancements were made in this product line with the capacity to measure carboxyhemoglobin (SpCO reg ) in 2005, methemoglobin (SpMet reg ) in 2006, and pleth variability index (PVI reg )in 2007. The latest Rainbow innovation from Masimo launched in 2008 is the noninvasive total hemoglobin (SpHb trade ). Additionally, this novel equipment also measures pulse rate, perfusion index, and oxyhemoglobin and plays a critical role in early detection and treatment of life-threatening conditions. Unequaled Entrepreneurial Capabilities The key to Mr. Kianis success as the CEO of Masimo lies in directing his technological inventions to strategically address the unmet needs of the market. With adequate customer insights, identification of the shortcomings to the available pulse oximetry monitoring equipment, ideation and subsequent development of an exclusive class of medical instrumentation procedures, Mr. Kiani has redefined patient monitoring systems. Under Mr. Kianis leadership, Masimo has successfully penetrated a market that poses significant entrance barriers. Masimo as a leading market participant not only innovates but also manufactures, licenses, and markets sophisticated medical signal processing technologies to gain maximum profits from a billion-dollar market growing at 8 percent annually. As a dynamic entrepreneur, he has accepted technological and business challenges successfully, resolved them, and created new industry benchmarks during this process. In this context, it is relevant to mention that in 2006, Mr. Kianis relentless efforts enabled Masimo to attain a historic victory against Nellcor division of Tyco Healthcare in one of the biggest patent infringement violation lawsuits. Despite Tyco Healthcares stature and market dominance, Mr. Kiani won his company more than 300 million in damages setting a dramatic precedent that has changed the very face of the healthcare industry. In addition, his testimony before the U. S. Senate in 2002 led to Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) reforms that help ensure clinicians have access to the best technology and that every company making effective products, competitively priced, is given a chance to compete and sell to hospitals through a GPO, not just the dominant suppliers. Persistently Driving Company Growth Guided by Mr. Kiani, Masimo has consistently delivered phenomenal financial results. At the end of the 2007 Masimos product revenue stood at a record 199.7 million. Masimos financial results at the end of third quarter of 2008 were equally impressive, depicting 21st consecutive quarter of revenue growth. Some of the noteworthy achievements are: record 66 million revenues, increase by 48 percent in direct business revenues, and a staggering number of 30,700 new pulse oximeters and Pulse CO-Oximeter shipments. It is also pertinent to mention in this context that in 2006, Masimo was one of the two leading participants in the market with 40 percent of the market share. Furthermore, the market for all its products together is estimated as 2 to 3 billion. Setting Industry Trends The strategies adopted by Mr. Kiani as the CEO of Masimo have persistently created new industry standards. The novel product portfolio of Masimo has added a new dimension to noninvasive patient monitoring equipment that has considerably facilitated early detection of challenging patient conditions. As a technology innovator, Mr. Kiani has more than 50 patents to his credit in sensors, signal processing, and patient monitoring that include patents for the innovation of read-through motion and low-perfusion pulse oximetry. His technology licensing strategy has successfully demonstrated the infallibility of patenting as a critical growth propeller for emerging medical device companies. Masimos victory against Tyco Healthcare buttresses the importance of patenting in guarding the innovations of the emerging companies against established market participants. Furthermore, this victory also indicates the capability of emerging companies to compete with the market leaders that control the market. Committed to Customer Value Enhancement Under Mr. Kianis able leadership, Masimo products have proved their value to their customers. More than 100 clinical studies have corroborated the fact that Masimo SET is the worlds most effective pulse oximeter. Measuring hemoglobin, oxygenation status, and pulse rate simultaneously, Masimo Rainbow SET is noninvasive, continuous, and immediate unlike conventional laboratory measurements that are invasive, intermittent, and produce delayed results. It is worth mentioning that in a recent study, Masimo SET pulse oximetry technology has been acknowledged as most valuable in neonatal care. To quote Mr. Kiani, We are very happy to see that researchers around the world continue to use our technology to improve process of care, positively impacting the lives of the most vulnerable patients in the most difficult clinical conditions. Integrity and Truthfulness While leading innovation and industry change, Masimo and Mr. Kiani have also been guided by the highest principles and ethics, resulting in recognition by customers and partners alike for their integrity in conducting business. Masimo has also received high rankings by industry publications and professional societies for truthfulness in advertising. Mr. Kiani in 2005 was honored with the prestigious Monty Award from San Diego State University for his ingenious efforts in addressing the pressing need of pulse oximetry market by applying his scientific knowledge and inventing novel pulse oximeters that leverage on signal extraction technology. His impeccable leadership has earned Masimo a host of industry accolades. Some of the recent awards include AARC Zenith Award (2009, 2008), ACG Outstanding Growth Award (2008), AeA Outstanding Medical Device Company Award (2008), GHX Best-in-Class Award (2008), and FDNY Flag of Heroes (2008). In successfully augmenting his scientific acumen, his formal university training, his business foresight, and the highest integrity, Mr. Kiani has demonstrated the characteristic virtues of a true entrepreneur. As the CEO, he has constantly assisted Masimo in taking confident, progressive strides in the highly monopolized patient monitoring equipment market. In strategically balancing product innovation, manufacturing, licensing, and marketing, Mr. Kiani has carefully delineated the cardinal elements of an effective business model. Fostering healthy competition and transforming challenges to drivers, Mr. Kiani has emerged as the ideal choice for the 2009 Frost amp Sullivan CEO of the Year Award in the North American Patient Monitoring market. The Frost amp Sullivan CEO of the Year Award is bestowed each year upon the CEO or executive who has demonstrated leadership excellence within his or her industry. Gains in market share and decisions that improve earnings and grow the company, as well as leadership that affects observable changes in the industry, are common CEO performance measurement criteria and are important metrics Frost amp Sullivan utilizes in its CEO of the Year Award selection process. A CEOs vision, risk-taking, and leadership also can have a profound effect on performance. Frost amp Sullivan seeks to identify a highly successful CEO whose leadership, vision, and successful risk-taking stand out among his or her peers. The Award recipient also has distinguished himself or herself from competitors by pursuing a unique restructuring, organizational management reengineering, or competitive roadmap that has resulted in propelling or sustaining the companys market position. To choose the Award recipient, the Frost amp Sullivan tracks market developments and measurements in the industry. The selection process utilizes market participant interviews and extensive primary and extensive secondary research. After evaluating the research, the analyst team considers market share, market growth, market penetration, profit margins, stock price, and overall industry impact in relation to CEO corporate organizational and strategic business actions. In addition to the methodology described above, there are specific criteria used in determining the final ranking and Award recipient. The recipient of this Award has excelled based on several of the following criteria: History of serving the industry Impact on organization and contribution to company financial results, restructuring, or business strategy to grow market share (e. g. effective development and implementation of a new business model) Leadership, risk-taking, vision, or decision that has served as the catalyst for market growth, sustaining market share, andor company image Leadership that created industry standards in operations, product quality, processes, or other notable benchmarks Leadership that increased value as perceived by the stakeholders (e. g. consumers, suppliers, shareholders, etc.) Degree of industry participation and influence on the market as a result of CEO actions Degree of CEO leadership and employee participation in community service programs Operational excellence Frost amp Sullivan Best Practices Awards recognize companies in a variety of regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in areas such as leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analysis, and extensive secondary research in order to identify best practices in the industry. About Frost amp Sullivan Frost amp Sullivan, the Growth Consulting Company, partners with clients to accelerate their growth. The companys Growth Partnership Services, Growth Consulting and Career Best Practices empower clients to create a growth focused culture that generates, evaluates and implements effective growth strategies. Frost amp Sullivan employs over 45 years of experience in partnering with Global 1000 companies, emerging businesses and the investment community from more than 30 offices on six continents. For more information about Frost amp Sullivans Growth Partnerships, visit frost . Masimo Receives 2009 Zenith Award at the American Association of Respiratory Care Congress Masimo Rainbow SET reg Acoustic Respiration Rate Monitoring Generates Significant Interest Irvine, California ndash December 9, 2009 ndash Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI), the inventor of Pulse CO-Oximetry and Measure-Through Motion and Low Perfusion pulse oximetry, announced today that it has received the prestigious Zenith Award for equipment and service excellence from the American Association of Respiratory Care (AARC) at their 55th Annual AARC International Congress in San Antonio, Texas. Masimo Rainbow SET Acoustic Monitoring was also featured in live demonstrations at the Masimo commercial exhibit and received very favorable reviews from respiratory therapists. For the second year in a row, Masimo has achieved AARCs top industry recognition honoring respiratory care equipment and pharmaceutical manufacturers for quality and service excellence. More than 400 companies were eligible for one of five Zenith Award honors. Award winners are chosen by the associations membershipmore than 44,000 respiratory care professionalsbased upon the quality of equipment andor supplies, accessibility and helpfulness of sales personnel, as well as the companys responsiveness, service record, truth in advertising, and overall support of the respiratory care profession. In addition, hundreds of respiratory care professionals from all over the world were among the first to see live demonstrations of Masimo Rainbow SET Acoustic Monitoringproviding noninvasive and continuous respiration rate (RRa trade ) that is accurate, easy-to-use, and enhances patient compliance. Masimo Rainbow SET Acoustic Monitoring may enable earlier detection of respiratory compromise and patient distressoffering a breakthrough in patient safety for post-surgical patients on the general floor. Comments received from respiratory therapists at the AARC Congress included the following: David Gibson, RRT, Supervisor, Medical City Dallas Hospital in Dallas, Texas, stated: As a caregiver, I appreciate Masimos commitment to innovationthey have done it again with their new Acoustic Respiration Rate Monitoring technology. Finally, there is a reliable, easy, comfortable, and cost-effective way to monitor breathing sounds on my patients on the general floor. Jenni Raake, MBA, RRT, Respiratory Care Coordinator, Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center, stated: I see so many uses for Masimos Rainbow Acoustic Monitoring, across so many care areas. With the wireless Masimo Rad-87 monitor, I believe it will be a great technology for patients needing ambulation. It should also be perfect for conscious sedation procedures. Abbie Rosenberg, RRT, RCP in Santa Cruz, California, added: I believe that Masimo Acoustic Respiration Rate will help hospitals effectively monitor and avoid sentinel events in post-surgical patients using patient controlled analgesic pumps. Joe Kiani, Founder amp CEO of Masimo, stated: We are honored to receive the Zenith Award. This recognition is especially gratifying because it comes from the clinicians who use our products every day. Its also exciting to see the reactions and hear the positive reviews from respiratory therapists who saw first-hand demonstrations of Rainbow Acoustic Monitoring. Michael OReilly, MD, Masimos EVP of Medical Affairs, stated: Respiratory care professionals attending the AARC Congress were truly excited by the introduction of Rainbow SET Acoustic Monitoring with its ability to monitor the breathing status of patients, 247. Respiratory care professionals are not alone in their excitement, as all clinicians who care for patients receiving patient-controlled analgesia for pain management know that sedation can slow breathing and place patients at considerable risk. For these patients, early intervention and appropriate treatment could mean the difference between life and death. About Masimo Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) develops innovative monitoring technologies that significantly improve patient carehelping solve unsolvable problems. In 1995, the company debuted Measure-Through Motion and Low Perfusion pulse oximetry, known as Masimo SET reg. which virtually eliminated false alarms and increased pulse oximetrys ability to detect life-threatening events. More than 100 independent and objective studies demonstrate Masimo SET provides the most reliable SpO 2 and pulse rate measurements even under the most challenging clinical conditions, including patient motion and low peripheral perfusion. In 2005, Masimo introduced Masimo Rainbow SET reg Pulse CO-Oximetry trade. a breakthrough noninvasive blood constituent monitoring platform that can measure many blood constituents that previously required invasive procedures. Masimo Rainbow SET continuously and noninvasively measures total hemoglobin (SpHb trade ), oxygen content (SpOC trade ), carboxyhemoglobin (SpCO reg ), methemoglobin (SpMet reg ), PVI reg. and acoustic respiration rate (RRa), in addition to oxyhemoglobin (SpO 2 ), pulse rate (PR), and perfusion index (PI), allowing early detection and treatment of potentially life-threatening conditions. Founded in 1989, Masimo has the mission of Improving Patient Outcomes and Reducing Cost of Care by Taking Noninvasive Monitoring to New Sites and Applications. Additional information about Masimo and its products may be found at masimo. Forward Looking Statements This press release includes forward-looking statements as defined in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, in connection with the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations about future events affecting us and are subject to risks and uncertainties, all of which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond our control and could cause our actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in our forward-looking statements as a result of various risk factors, including, but not limited to: risks related to our belief that the breakthrough respiration rate monitoring capabilities of Masimo Rainbow SET Acoustic Monitoring technology will allow clinicians to detect and treat respiratory compromise and patient distress earlier, risks related to our belief that Masimo Rainbow SET Acoustic Monitoring techno logy will provide sufficient sensitivity and specificity to measure respiratory rate in a variety of patients and monitoring conditions, risks related to our assumptions regarding the commercial timing and availability of the technology, as well as other factors discussed in the Risk Factors section of our most recent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which may be obtained for free at the SECs website at sec. gov. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are reasonable, we do not know whether our expectations will prove correct. All forward-looking statements included in this press release are expressly qualified in their entirety by the foregoing cautionary statements. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of todays date. We do not undertake any obligation to update, amend or clarify these forward-looking statements or the Risk Factors contained in our most recent reports filed with the SEC, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required under the applicable securities laws. Media Contacts: Dana Banks Masimo Corporation 1 (949) 297-7348 Masimo, SET, Signal Extraction Technology, Improving Outcomes and Reducing Cost of Care by Taking Noninvasive Monitoring to New Sites and Applications, Rainbow, SpHb, SpOC, SpCO, SpMet, PVI, RRa, Radical-7, Rad-87, Rad-57,Rad-9, Rad-8, Rad-5,Pulse CO-Oximetry and Pulse CO-Oximeter are trademarks or registered trademarks of Masimo Corporation. ECRI Institute Announces Winner of 4th Annual Health Devices Achievement Award Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center recognized for excellence in health technology management PLYMOUTH MEETING, PA - 9302009 - ECRI Institute, an independent nonprofit that researches the best approaches to improving patient care, is pleased to announce Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center of Lebanon, New Hampshire, as the winner of the fourth annual Health Devices Achievement Award for excellence in health technology management. The Health Devices Achievement Award recognizes an outstanding initiative undertaken by an ECRI Institute member healthcare facility that improves patient safety, reduces costs, or otherwise facilitates better strategic management of health technology. Dartmouth-Hitchcocks winning submission, A Multidisciplinary Approach to Improving Patient Safety in the Adult MedicalSurgical Population through Earlier Detection of Patient Deterioration Using Surveillance Monitoring, describes an initiative designed to decrease failure to rescue (FTR) eventsinstances of severe patient harm (such as death or disability) that occur because a serious deterioration in the patients condition is not detected in time. The project was designed to reduce FTR events through a new application of pulse-oximetry monitoring: using it continuously from admission to discharge. The primary goal was to enhance nurse surveillance in the postoperative setting. A secondary goal was to reduce the number of nuisance alarms, which tend to desensitize nurses to alarms. Nurse satisfaction with the new surveillance tool was reported to be very high, and preliminary analysis indicates that the initiative has contributed to decreases in annual rescue calls and transfers to critical care. ECRI Institute identified clinical alarm hazards as the number one device-related risk on its 2009 list of Top 10 Health Technology Hazards, says James P. Keller, Jr. vice president, health technology evaluation and safety, ECRI Institute. Any effort to improve this problem can have a huge impact on patient safety. Dartmouth-Hitchcock should be commended for recognizing the problems that alarm overload can cause and taking on a project to improve the way clinicians monitor for and respond to serious changes in patient conditions. The award from ECRI Institute is a tremendous honor and a great recognition for the many people who have played a role in the deployment of this new technology, says George Blike, M. D. quality and patient safety officer for Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Creating excellence in patient care is a matter of finding and training the right people, enabling them with the right tools, and doing it all within the right environment of care. This tremendous group effort and innovative technology have combined to save lives, which is incredibly rewarding for everyone involved. Dartmouth-Hitchcocks award-winning entry will be featured in ECRI Institutes Health Devices journal and on the ECRI Institute Web site. A formal award presentation will be made by ECRI Institutes Jim Keller later this year. For information about becoming a member of ECRI Institutes Health Devices System or for submitting an application for the 5th Annual Health Devices Award, contact ECRI Institute at (610) 825-6000, ext. 5377, visit ecri. org. e-mail communicationsecri. org, or mail ECRI Institute, 5200 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462-1298, USA. About ECRI Institute ECRI Institute, a nonprofit organization, dedicates itself to bringing the discipline of applied scientific research to healthcare to discover which medical procedures, devices, drugs, and processes are best to enable improved patient care. As pioneers in this science for 40 years, ECRI Institute marries experience and independence with the objectivity of evidence-based research. ECRI Institute is designated a Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization and an Evidence-based Practice by the U. S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. ECRI Institute PSO is listed as a federally certified Patient Safety Organization by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Resources. For more information, visit ecri. org . About Dartmouth Hitchcock Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) is New Hampshires only academic medical center. Internationally renowned and nationally ranked, DHMC serves a population of 1.5 million in Vermont and New Hampshire. DHMC integrates high-quality patient care, advanced medical education, and translational research to provide a full spectrum of health care. Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center includes Norris Cotton Cancer Center, a National Cancer Institute designated Comprehensive Care Center, and is home to the Childrens Hospital at Dartmouth. The center also includes Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital (396-bed teaching hospital), the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic, Veterans Affairs Regional Medical and Office Center, and Dartmouth Medical School. For more information on Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, visit dhmc. org . Masimo Recognized as a Medical-Surgical Market Leader with the 2009 GHX Best in Class Award June 4, 2009 Masimo received the 2009 Global Healthcare Exchange (GHX) Best in Class Award for achieving the nation8217s highest year-over-year market share growth for distributed products in the Respiratory product category for the 2008 calendar year. 8220We are extremely pleased to honor Masimo for its leadership position in the Respiratory product category,8221 said Ed McCauley, general manager, GHX Market Intelligence. 8220Despite the down economy, Masimo grew 41.81 percent in 2008 while the overall market segment grew 9.76 percent.8221 Masimo was among 30 leading medical-surgical product manufacturers recognized by GHX in five market segments and 35 product categories. Winners were determined using GHX Market Intelligence reports that analyze national distributed sales transaction data. With information provided by 27 of the nation8217s leading distributors, GHX Market Intelligence tracks and reports on more than 34 billion of distributed sales for medical-surgical and clinical laboratory supplies and devices. It is the only comprehensive source for accurate, detailed and timely data for the acute and alternate site healthcare markets, containing geographically relevant and competitive market share, size and average selling price reporting down to the three-digit ZIP code level. Rick Fishel, President of Masimo Americas, stated: 8220We are pleased to receive GHX8217s Best in Class Award for market share growth for the second year in a row. This achievement recognizes the power of clinical preference and demand for advanced medical technology and best-in-class products to drive national sales. It is an honor to be a market leader among the industry8217s best.8221 AARC Presentation Cites Masimo Patient Safety Net as Key Factor in Improving Patient Outcomes and Reducing Costs in Post-Acute Care Facilities Masimo also receives the AARC Zenith Award for Equipment and Service Excellence at the 54th Annual International Respiratory Congress in Anaheim Irvine, California ndash December 16, 2008 ndash Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI), the inventor of Pulse CO-Oximetry and Measure-Through-Motion and Low-Perfusion pulse oximetry, announced that the clinical benefit of its remote monitoring and clinician notification system, Masimo Patient SafetyNet, was featured in a presentation titled Global Perspectives of Facility-Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation Care at the American Association of Respiratory Care (AARC) 54th Annual International Congress in Anaheim, California, on December 15, 2008. Gene Gantt, RRT and Manager of Business Development for Linde Respiratory Support Services (RSS), a leader i n post-acute respiratory care, presented how weaning patients off ventilator care in a post-acute care setting provides improved outcomes and reduced costs. According to Mr. Gantt, a major challenge to weaning patients off ventilator care in the post-acute environment was a safe and easy-to-use patient surveillance system that could help clinicians preempt adverse events. Mr. Gantt reported that the integration of the Masimo Patient SafetyNet system into Lindes Knoxville, TN facility protocol has been a significant factor in successfully implementing their weaning protocol and achieving a 75 wean rate with an average length-of-stay of only 40 days. The initiative has been so successful at improving the quality of life for patients and reducing the overall cost of care that Linde-RSS has decided to expand use of the Patient SafetyNet system to both their Memphis and Chattanooga facilities, as well. Using the Masimo Patient SafetyNet System not only raised the bar in terms of the quality of care that could be delivered in a post-acute settingmdashproving to be the right thing to do for patient safetymdashit is also paying for itself through clinical efficiency, Mr. Gantt explained. Since our clinicians are no longer wasting their time chasing false oximetry alarms, they are freed up to focus on patient care. In addition to the Patient SafetyNet presentation and the continued excitement generated by Masimos noninvasive and continuous hemoglobin monitoring technology (SpHb), the company announced that it received the AARCs prestigious Zenith Award. More than 400 companies were eligible for one of five 2008 Zenith Award honors presented. The Zenith Award is AARCs top industry recognition honoring respiratory care equipment and pharmaceutical manufacturers for quality and service excellence. Award recipients are chosen via special ballot by the associations membership of more than 44,000 respiratory care professionals based upon the quality of its equipment andor supplies, the accessibility and helpfulness of its sales personnel, as well as the companys responsiveness, service record, truth in advertising, and overall support of the respiratory care profession. Masimo Founder and CEO, Joe E. Kiani, stated, We are delighted to see the results of Linde RSSs use of Masimo SET and Patient SafetyNet and are honored that AARC members have chosen to recognize Masimo for the superior performance, service, and integrity that Masimo provides to the clinical community. Respiratory clinicians were among the first to embrace the performance of Masimo SET pulse oximeters 10 years ago, but they often faced challenges in gaining access to Masimos pulse oximetry technology. It is gratifying to see that despite the challenges, so many hospitals and clinicians now have access to Masimo SET and the benefits that our technology brings to their day-to-day patient care. It is our pleasure to serve the respiratory care profession in their mission in caring for the critically ill. About Masimo Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) develops innovative monitoring technologies that significantly improve patient caremdashhelping solve unsolvable problems. In 1995, the company debuted Measure-Through-Motion-and-Low-Perfusion pulse oximetry, known as Masimo SET, which virtually eliminated false alarms and increased pulse oximetrys ability to detect life-threatening events. More than 100 independent and objective studies demonstrate Masimo SET provides the most reliable SpO 2 and pulse rate measurements even under the most challenging clinical conditions, including patient motion and low peripheral perfusion. In 2005, Masimo introduced Masimo Rainbow SET Pulse CO-Oximetry, a breakthrough noninvasive blood constituent monitoring platform that can measure many blood constituents that previously required invasive procedures. Masimo Rainbow SET Pulse CO-Oximetry continuously and noninvasively measures total hemoglobin (SpHbtrade), oxygen content (SpOCtrade), carboxyhemoglobin (SpCOreg), methemoglobin (SpMetreg), and PVI reg. in addition to oxyhemoglobin (SpO 2 ), pulse rate (PR), and perfusion index (PI), allowing early detection and treatment of potentially life-threatening conditions. Founded in 1989, Masimo has the mission of Improving Patient Outcomes and Reducing Cost of Care by Taking Noninvasive Monitoring to New Sites and Applications. Additional information about Masimo and its products may be found at masimo . About the AARC The American Association for Respiratory Care, headquartered in Dallas, Texas, is a professional association of respiratory therapists that focuses primarily on respiratory therapy education and research. The organizations goals are to ensure that respiratory patients receive safe and effective care from qualified professionals as well as supporting respiratory health care providers. The association continues to advocate on behalf of pulmonary patients for appropriate access to respiratory services provided by qualified professionals. Further information about the AARC may be found at AARC. org . Forward Looking Statements This press release includes forward-looking statements as defined in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, in connection with the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations about future events affecting us and are subject to risks and uncertainties, all of which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond our control and could cause our actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in our forward-looking statements as a result of various risk factors, including, but not limited to: risks related to our assumption that this award will serve to increase market acceptance and adoption of Masimo technologies and products or substantially increase revenues, as well as other factors discussed in the Risk Factors section of our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 27, 2008, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) on October 29, 2008, which may be obtained for free at the SECs website at sec. gov. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are reasonable, we do not know whether our expectations will prove correct. All forward-looking statements included in this press release are expressly qualified in their entirety by the foregoing cautionary statements. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of todays date. We do not undertake any obligation to update, amend or clarify these forward-looking statements or the Risk Factors contained in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 27, 2008, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required under the applicable securities laws. Contact: Dana Banks Masimo Corporation 949-297-7348 Masimo, SET, Signal Extraction Technology, Improving Outcomes and Reducing Cost of Care by Taking Noninvasive Monitoring to New Sites and Applications, Rainbow, SpHb, SpOC, SpCO, SpMet, PVI, Radical-7, Rad-87, Rad-57,Rad-9, Rad-8, Rad-5,Pulse CO-Oximetry and Pulse CO-Oximeter are trademarks or registered trademarks of Masimo Corporation. Masimo Honored for Excellence in Medical Technology by the Medical Technology Association of Australia Sydney, Australia (September 25, 2008) - Masimo has received the Medical Technology Association of Australias (MTAA) highest award, the Kerrin Rennie Award for Excellence in Medical Technology-Improving Quality of Life, for the innovative and extraordinary contributions of the Masimo Radical-7 Pulse CO-Oximeter in improving health outcomes of Australian patients. Anne Trimmer, MTAA CEO, said: quotMasimos Oximeter is an excellent example of innovation in the medical technology sector. It benefits the patient, the clinician and the health system. quot In selecting Masimo as its 2008 Kerrin Rennie Award winner, MTAA highlighted both technical and clinical innovations demonstrated by the Radical-7, commenting: The Radical-7 Pulse CO-Oximeter from Masimo Corporation continuously and noninvasively measures blood constituents in patients without having to draw blood. The device uses multiple wavelengths of light in a single, simple to apply sensor. It can be used reliably in different care settings, for example at the patients bedside or during transport. In addition to its unique use of algorithms to ensure accurate patient monitoring, the Radical-7 includes a unique technology platform that allows for additional features to be added as simple software upgrades. MTAA is Australias national industry organization representing companies in the medical technology industry. Aiming to ensure the benefits of modern, innovative and reliable medical technology are delivered to the community for a healthier Australia, MTAA honors innovative medical products used in the diagnosis, prevention, treatment or management of disease and disability that deliver significant patient and healthcare contributions. Association for Corporate Growth Honors Masimo with Outstanding Growth Award Newport Beach, CA (May 8th, 2008) -- The Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) honors Masimo with the 2008 Outstanding Growth Award at the ACG Annual Growth Awards ceremony held on May 8, 2008, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Newport Beach, California. Every year the ACG honors select companies that have demonstrated outstanding growth in one of three award categories: Outstanding Growth, Emerging Growth and Spotlight Deal. In selecting Masimo as the winner of the Outstanding Growth Award, ACG judges remarked that they were impressed with Masimos innovative monitoring technologies that significantly improve patient care, helping to solve unsolvable problems. quot The Association for Corporate Growth has 10,000 members worldwide who are involved in corporate development, mergers and acquisitions. American Electronics Association (AeA) Names Masimo Outstanding Medical Device Company for 2008 Awards recognize the top contributors to local innovation and global competition Newport Beach, CA (April 30, 2008 ) - The AeA Orange County and Inland Empire Council honored Masimo as the Outstanding Medical Device Company of the Year at the 15th Annual High-Tech Innovation Awards. The 2008 winners were honored on April 29, 2008 at a sold-out dinner and awards ceremony at the Hyatt Regency in Irvine that drew luminaries from local high-tech companies, financial and government institutions, as well as academic leaders, educators, students, investors and media affiliates. This is the fourth time AeA has named Masimo as an award winner and the second time Masimo has been honored as the Outstanding Medical Device Company. In 2006, AeA named Masimo as a High-Tech Award winner for Medical Technology, in 2001 Masimo received the Innovative ProductTechnology Award, and in 2000 Masimo was honored with the Outstanding Medical Device Company Award. Now companies must work harder than ever to stand out from the competition, said Don Hicks, executive director, AeA Orange CountyInland Empire. Masimo is truly a winner this year and the 15th annual High-Tech Innovation Awards recognizes Masimo for providing outstanding innovation. AeA is the largest high-tech trade association in the U. S. and represents all segments of the technology industry. Internationally, AeA represents 2,500 companies with 1.8 million employees. In Orange County amp the Inland Empire, AeA represents 140 member companies with worldwide revenue of more than 8 billion and more than 160,000 employees in the United States and globally. Information on the Orange County amp Inland Empire Council can be found at aeanet. orgorangecounty Masimo Wins GHX 2008 Best in Class Award April 21, 2008 - Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI), the inventor of Pulse CO-Oximetry and Measure-Through-Motion-and-Low-Perfusion pulse oximetry, today announced that it received the 2008 Global Healthcare Exchange (GHX) Best in Class Award for achieving the nations highest year-over-year market share growth in electromedical products through the end of 2007. We are extremely pleased to honor Masimo for its leadership, said Ed McCauley, general manager, GHX Market Intelligence. They have successfully navigated the complexities of this market through a combination of innovative technologies, educated market insights and competitive business strategies. Masimo was among 29 leading medicalsurgical and clinical laboratory manufacturers recognized by GHX in five market segments and 35 product categories. Winners were determined using GHX Market Intelligence reports that analyze national distributed sales transaction data. With information provided by 23 of the nations leading distributors, GHX Market Intelligence tracks and reports on over 30 billion of distributed sales for medicalsurgical and clinical laboratory supplies and devices. Rick Fishel, President of Masimo Americas, stated, We are honored to receive the 2008 Best in Class Award for achieving the top market position and highest year-over-year market share growth in our category. This award is an important industry benchmark because it uses national sales data and in-depth market intelligence to provide an accurate representation of the state of the market. Masimo Ranks 1 in Industry Current Impact and Innovation Cycle Time on the 2008 Patent Scorecard trade List of Top 10 Innovators in Medical Devices January 2008 Masimo Corporation ranked highest among all medical device innovators in two categories on the 2008 Patent Scorecard. Leading the Industry Current Impact trade category with a score of 12.054, Masimo scored highest of all medtech companies, including Abbott with 2.490, Covidien with 1.782 and Medtronic with 1.704, indicating the extent to which others are building upon Masimos portfolio of issued U. S. utility patents as compared to a total set of patents. In the Innovation Cycle Time trade category, Masimo again out-scored all other medtech companies with a score of 6.9, a score that indicates whether a patent or patent portfolio is building off newer (the lower the score) or older inventions (the higher the score). The Patent Scorecard is an industry-by-industry ranking of corporate innovation and combines a series of indicators to arrive at patent quality, technological strength and breadth of impact. It has historically been published in MITs Technology Review and tracks the U. S. patent portfolio of more than 2,500 of the worlds top technology firms. Frost amp Sullivan Recognizes Masimo as an Outstanding Company for Excellence in Healthcare Opportunities December 10, 2007 Frost amp Sullivan honored companies for demonstrating industry excellence at last weeks annual Excellence in Healthcare Opportunities Awards Banquet and Networking Sessions held in Orlando, Florida at the Disney Boardwalk Inn. The Awards recognize companies that are predicted to encourage significant growth in their industries, have identified emerging trends before they became the standard in the marketplace, and have created advanced technologies that will catalyze industries in the near future. Masimo Corporation received the 2007 North American Patient Monitoring Technology Leadership of the Year Award, as well as the 2007 North American Brand Development Strategy Leadership Award. Masimo Corporation Receives a Frost amp Sullivan 2007 Industry Best Practices Award for Pulse Oximetry Leadership IRVINE, Calif. Nov. 20 - Masimo (Nasdaq:MASI), the inventor of Pulse CO-Oximetry and Read-Through Motion and Low Perfusion pulse oximetry, announced it has received a Frost amp Sullivan 2007 Industry Best Practices Award, for Pulse Oximetry Leadership -- quotranking number one in the pulse oximetry industry. quot Frost amp Sullivan further recognized quotthe impressive progression of Signal Extraction Technology (Masimo SET) to the gold standard for reliable pulse oximetry monitoringquot in honoring the company. Historically, the performance of conventional pulse oximetry, as well as its usefulness in a variety of clinical settings, has been plagued by interfering noise due to patient motion and low peripheral perfusion, which often results in false SpO 2 readings and frequent alarms. quotMasimo Signal Extraction Technology (SET) eliminates the issues caused by motion artifact and low peripheral perfusion through proprietary signal processing algorithms and sensor technologies, quot said Frost amp Sullivan analyst Mike Arani in his report. Leading clinicians around the world have put the efficacy and reliability of Masimo SET to the test in more than 100 independent and objective peer-reviewed studies that prove Masimos revolutionary Signal Extraction Technology outperforms all others, even under the most demanding of clinical conditions. quotThese clinical trials have not only proved the performance superiority of Masimo SET, but time after time, they have also left a lasting impression on the participating clinicians, quot the report said. Also, according to the Frost amp Sullivan report, quotMasimos strong brand recognition has even driven major patient monitoring companies with in-house proprietary SpO 2 technologies to offer their multiparameter monitors with the choice of Masimo SET SpO 2 module. quot Today, Masimo SET technology is widely integrated into more than 100 multiparameter monitors and over 40 monitoring brands. quotAfter all, performance superiority is the chief reason Masimo pulse oximetry is the only vital sign module clinicians ask for by brand when purchasing a patient-monitoring product, quot they added. Masimos rapid market acceptance and market share gains were cited by Frost amp Sullivan as visible examples of this combination of superior technology, clinical preference, brand recognition and exceptional brand development success. In selecting Masimo for the 2007 pulse oximetry brand development strategy leadership award, Frost amp Sullivans analyst team tracked all the major participants in the pulse oximetry industry. The process included in-depth interviews with all market participants, customers and suppliers, along with extensive secondary and technology research to identify best practices within the industry. To determine the final ranking of competitors, Frost amp Sullivan measured each on the basis of: development of unique brand strategies, competitor recognition and brand value, participation in industry trade groups, establishment of programs that allow the brands customers to grow, and increases in customer loyalty. As a result of this ranking, Masimo topped the list of industry competitors. According to Frost amp Sullivan manager Antonio Garcia, quotThe key to Masimos strong image lies in its vision of giving caregivers more options and capabilities than they expect. After all, Masimo simply takes the guess work out of pulse oximetry, so clinicians never have to guess what brand is the most reliable. quot Joe E. Kiani, Chairman and CEO of Masimo, said, quotWe are honored to receive this award from Frost amp Sullivan. This recognition is especially meaningful because Frost amp Sullivan has surveyed the market and responded with research findings that validate what we have heard clinicians saying all along and what our increasing marketshare momentum is a testament to-that clinicians recognize Masimo SET is the best pulse oximetry technology for their patients. quot 2007 Texas Society for Respiratory Care (TSRC) LoneStar Award Irvine, California June 28, 2007 - Masimo, the inventor of Pulse CO-Oximetry and Read-Through Motion and Low Perfusion pulse oximetry, today received the first ever Texas Society for Respiratory Care (TSRC) LoneStar Award for Innovation and Support quotfor the groundbreaking innovation of Rainbow SET Technology, and the continued unwavering support of the TSRC and the Respiratory Care profession. quot Masimo Chairman and CEO, Joe Kiani, accepted the award on behalf of Masimo employees worldwide at the TSRCs 36th Annual Meeting and Exhibition in Austin, Texas. quotMasimo has advanced patient care with its read-through motion pulse oximetry technology, Masimo SET, making pulse oximeters a clinically useful tool, quot said TSRC President-Elect Terry Gilmore, MA, and RRT. quotWith their introduction of Masimo Rainbow SET and with it the noninvasive measurement of carboxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin, they are again advancing patient care by allowing respiratory care professionals to have a better understanding of the true oxygenation status of their patients blood. quot Gary Herrin, MBA, Executive Director of the TSRC added that quotwe greatly appreciate Masimos long standing support of the Respiratory Care profession and the TSRC, and we welcome the opportunity to enhance this partnership in patient care. We encourage their development and implementation of further groundbreaking technologyquot quotWe are honored to receive this award from TSRC for the advances in patient care made possible by Masimo technologies, and are happy that respiratory care professionals continue to look to Masimo to help them provide cost-effective quality cardiopulmonary patient care. quot Mr. Kiani explained. quotFor nearly 20 years, we have been privileged to work alongside so many dedicated respiratory care professionals who shared our vision of always doing what is best for patient care. This award is very meaningful to us because it comes from an organization and a group of professionals we greatly admire. quot 2007, The Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA) an international organization of physicians, engineers, students and others with an interest in anesthesia-related technologies, has chosen M. R. Macknet, MD and a team of researchers at Loma Linda Universityrsquos Department of Anesthesiology as the recipients of this yearrsquos STA Excellence in Technology Innovation Award for their study showing that a preliminary Masimo engineering prototype can accurately measure total hemoglobin continuously and noninvasively. This award recognizes excellence in technologies that benefit patients and caregivers in the area anesthesiology especially technologies that address high priority needs of the practice of anesthesia. This is the third time Masimo technology has won such a prestigious award from the Society of Technology in Anesthesia. In 1995, the company won the Excellence in Technology Innovation award for the foundational technology of Masimo SET, the first pulse oximetry technology to provide accurate and reliable SpO 2 measurements during motion and low peripheral perfusion. In 2006, Masimo Rainbow SET won the Application of Technology award for creating the first technology to provide noninvasive measurement of carboxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin levels in the blood. Masimos Kiani: Stared Down Tyco Posted date: 3202006 By Vita Reed ORANGE COUNTY BUSINESS JOURNAL STAFF The company became something of a media darling a few years back. Masimo was featured in the New York Times for its efforts to get its device into larger hospitals. The effort paid off. Masimo now has contracts with Premier Inc. a large, San Diego-based nonprofit that helps its member hospitals buy supplies and equipment, and Novation LLC, a rival buying group out of Irving, Texas. The companys first deal with Premier, signed in 2002, came in the wake of heavy criticism of Premiers awarding of buying pacts to larger device makers. A U. S. Senate subcommittee criticized Premier and Novation for not signing deals with smaller makers such as Masimo. Then theres Tyco. Masimo recently wrapped up a long-running patent fight with Nellcor Puritan Bennett Inc. a Tyco unit. Last fall, the U. S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D. C. upheld a 164.5 million jury award to Masimo from Nellcor. The verdict was based on a 2004 finding by a Los Angeles federal jury that Nellcors Oximax and Oxismart pulse oximeters violated Masimos patents. Back in 1999, Masimo sued Nellcor for allegedly violating patents on its motion-tolerant pulse oximetry technology. Nellcor then went on the offensive, filing lawsuits of its own against Masimos signal processing technology. Theres a warmer, fuzzier side to Masimo. At last weeks awards lunch, Travis Trask, head of the Orange County office of San Diego-based insurance brokerage Barney amp Barney LLC, related his own experience with Masimos pulse oximeter. Trask said his son was born 10 weeks early and spent 30 days in the hospital. quotEvery hour, every second evenquot he said he and his wife watched a Masimo oximeter attached to the finger of his 2-pound baby. The accuracy of the device was critical, he said. Administering oxygen after a false alarm can cause blindness in babies. Trask said his son has grown into a healthy boy. Kiani came to the U. S. at age 9 from Iran with his family. The son of an engineer and a nurse, he graduated high school at 15 and received bachelors and masters degrees from San Diego State University by 22. A married father of two, Kianis early career included working as regional technical manager for electronics distributor Anthem Electronics Inc. now part of Arrow Electronics Inc. as a field engineer for Bell Industries Inc. and as a product engineer at Unisys Corp. Kiani, who lives in Laguna Beach, holds more than 50 patents relating to signal processing, sensors and patient monitoring. Masimo, the inventor of Pulse CO-Oximetry and Read-Through Motion and Low Perfusion pulse oximetry, received the prestigious Medical Design Excellence Gold Award in 2006 for its innovative new Masimo Rainbow SET Rad-57 Pulse CO-Oximeter. The Masimo Rad-57 Pulse CO-Oximeter is the first and only device that allows clinicians to detect and continuously monitor carbon monoxide levels in the bloodstream non-invasively. In clinical studies and in the field, Masimo Rainbow SET is already proving itself effective in detecting carbon monoxide poisoning in seconds, allowing accurate diagnosis and early treatment of a life-threatening problem that is frequently misdiagnosed as flu or migraine. Masimo has also recently received FDA clearance for the noninvasive measurement of methemoglobin levels in the blood. A recent Johns Hopkins study found that methemoglobinemia, a potentially lethal condition that starves the tissues of oxygen, is much more common in hospitalized patients than previously realized. Joe E. Kiani, Chairman amp CEO of Masimo stated, quotWe are honored to receive this Medical Design Excellence Gold Award. We received a similar award years ago when we introduced the Radical Signal Extraction Pulse Oximeter, which was the first technology to measure oxygen saturation and pulse rate during motion and low perfusion. We take much pride that the second breakthrough in oximetry is once again developed by our engineering team. With our new Masimo Rainbow SET platform, we are collecting a much more rich data stream separated from interference, enabling us to distinguish additional blood constituents. Our clinical and engineering teams are currently working to identify and qualify additional Rainbow parameters. We thank the organizers of the MDEA program for this award and their recognition of this innovative platform, and I thank our engineering team for their brilliant efforts and tireless progress. quot The Medical Design Excellence Awards competition is organized and presented by Canon Communications LLC (Los Angeles) and is the only awards program that exclusively recognizes contributions and advances in the design of medical products. Entries are evaluated on the basis of their design and engineering features, including innovative use of materials, user-related functions that improve healthcare delivery and change traditional medical attitudes or practices, features that provide enhanced benefits to the patient, and the ability of the product development team to overcome design and engineering challenges so the product meets its clinical objectives. A comprehensive review of the entries was performed by an impartial, multidisciplinary panel of third-party jurors with expertise in biomedical engineering, human factors, industrial design, medicine, and diagnostics. AEA Honors Masimo with Innovative Medical Technology Award Irvine, California May 23, 2006 - Masimo Corporation, the inventor of Pulse CO-Oximetry trade and Read-Through Motion and Low Perfusion Pulse Oximetry, was honored by the American Electronics Associations (AEA) Orange County Council at its Thirteenth Annual High Tech Awards ceremony. The AEA recognized the Masimo Rainbow SET Rad-57 trade Pulse CO-Oximeter trade. as the Innovative Product winner in the Medical Technology category. Masimo is the inventor of read-through motion and low-perfusion pulse oximetry, a technology called Masimo SET reg. which has been proven more accurate and reliable in the most challenging clinical settings by over 70 peer reviewed published clinical studies. Building on this technology platform, Masimo has recently introduced Masimo Rainbow SET trade. a new technology that uses eight wavelengths of light to allow clinicians to capture and monitor an unprecedented array of patient physiological data, such as oxygen, carbon monoxide and methemoglobin, noninvasively. Masimo Rainbow SET capabilities will be available in Masimo monitors and in multi-parameter patient monitors produced by leading manufacturers. The Rad-57 Pulse CO-Oximeter, the first FDA cleared Rainbow SET product from Masimo, is the first device that allows clinicians to detect and monitor carbon monoxide levels in the bloodstream non-invasively. In clinical studies and in the field, Masimo Rainbow SET is already proving itself effective in detecting carbon monoxide poisoning in seconds, allowing accurate diagnosis and early treatment of a life-threatening problem that is frequently misdiagnosed as flu or migraine. Masimo has also recently received FDA clearance for the noninvasive measurement of methemoglobin levels in the blood. A recent Johns Hopkins study found that methemoglobinemia, a potentially lethal condition that starves the tissues of oxygen, is much more common in hospitalized patients than previously realized. Joe E. Kiani, Chief Executive Officer of Masimo stated quotWe are honored that the AEA has recognized Masimo with this award. From the very beginning, we always believed that our breakthrough signal extraction technologies would be widely applicable. Our first application, Masimo SET Signal Extraction Pulse Oximetry, has rapidly created a new performance standard for this critical vital sign. With our Masimo Rainbow SET platform, we are collecting a much more rich data stream separated from interference, enabling us to distinguish additional blood constituents. Our clinical and engineering teams are currently working to identify and qualify additional Rainbow parameters. We thank the AEA for this award and its recognition of this innovative platform, and I thank my team for their brilliant efforts and tireless progress. quot About AeA AeA, founded in 1943, is a nationwide trade association that represents all segments of the technology industry and is dedicated solely to helping our members top line and bottom line. We do this in partnership with our small, medium, and large member companies by lobbying governments at the state, federal, and international levels, providing access to capital and business opportunities, and offering select business services and networking programs. For more information, please visit aeanet. org. IRVINE CAmdashJanuary 20, 2006 - A new study of the Masimo Rainbow SET Rad-57 Pulse CO-Oximeter trade. conducted by Steven J. Barker, PhD, MD of the University of Arizona, has received the 2006 Application of Technology award from the Society for Technology in Anesthesia. The winning study, ldquoNew Pulse Oximeter Measures Carboxyhemoglobin Levels in Human Volunteersrdquo evaluated the ability of the Rad-57 to directly measure the effects of carbon monoxide inhalation in humans. The lethal effects of carbon monoxide are caused by the conversion of normal hemoglobin in the blood to an abnormal form called carboxyhemoglobin, or ldquoCOHb. rdquo Levels of COHb higher than 50 are potentially fatal, and caused the recent deaths of the coal miners in West Virginia. This study compared the COHb readings from the Rad-57 with blood sample measurements made by CO-oximeters, which are currently used to determine COHb levels in hospital laboratories. The CO-oximeter is a large, expensive machine that requires a blood sample, whereas the Rad-57 is small, portable, and measures COHb with a simple finger-clip sensor. The Arizona researchers found that the Rad-57 trade performed within its specifications, accurately measuring the changing COHb levels in the volunteersrsquo blood. The study concluded that this new technology represents a major advance in the monitoring of oxygenation. This is the second time technology pioneered by Masimo is being honored by the STA with such an award. Unmasking a silent killermdashcarbon monoxidemdashwith light waves ldquoWe believe that this device represents a major advance in patient monitoring, rdquo said Dr. Barker, the lead author and Head of the Department of Anesthesiology at University of Arizona. ldquoCarbon monoxide poisoning can be a life-threatening problem in the Operating Room, as well as in many settings outside of the hospital. This new technology allows diagnosis in seconds, even in field conditions by first responders. By allowing earlier diagnosis and treatment, this will have a significant effect on patient care. rdquo ldquoWe are delighted to hear of the award given to the University of Arizona research team, rdquo said Joe E. Kiani, Masimo Chairman and CEO. ldquoTen years ago, Dr. Barker and Masimo won a similar STA award for Masimo SET reg. or Signal Extraction Technology. At that time, our achievement was to monitor oxygen saturation levels accurately for the first time during conditions such as patient motion and low perfusion. Now, building on SET, we are able to monitor carboxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin levels, and soon, we hope, additional vital physiologic parameters, noninvasively. This is history repeating itself in the most encouraging way. rdquo rdquoWe are especially pleased that Dr. Barker and his colleagues on the University of Arizona research team have received this recognition, rdquo Kiani added. ldquoDr. Barker is the author of over 150 scholarly works, and one of the leading researchers in oxygen monitoring. To provide Masimo with the scientific advice we need and a strong connection to the medical community, we have invited Dr. Barker to work with us as the Chairman of our Scientific Advisory Board and as a member of the Masimo Board of Directors. I am delighted to say that he has accepted, and we will be able to lead Masimo better with his guidance. rdquo Masimo Tops the 2006 Patent Scorecards Top 10 List of Innovators in Medical Devices for Current-Impact Index trade and Technology Cycle Time trade May 10, 2006 -- Masimo Corporation receives the highest value in the Current-Impact Index of the ipIQ Medical Devices Patent Scorecard trade for 2006. The Current-Impact Index showcases the broader significance of a companys patents by examining how often its U. S. patents are used as the basis for other innovation in the current year. A value of 140 indicates a companys patents were referenced 40 more often than the industry average. Masimo achieved a score of 1,294 for the year 2005. In addition, the company also topped the Technology Cycle Time trade category, which indicates a firms speed in turning proprietary research and innovations into Intellectual Property. The Patent Scorecard is an industry-by-industry ranking of corporate innovation and combines a series of indicators to arrive at patent quality, technological strength and breadth of impact. It has historically been published in MITs Technology Review and tracks the U. S. patent portfolio of more than 2,500 of the worlds top technology firms. To view the full award, please click here. Masimo CEO Joe Kiani Receives Monty Award IRVINE, California ndashMarch 7, 2005 ndash Masimo reg. the inventor of Read-Through Motion amp Low Perfusion Pulse Oximetry, is proud to announce that its CEO and Founder, Joe E. Kiani, has received the prestigious 2005 Monty award from San Diego State University. This annual honor recognizes the outstanding achievements and success of prominent SDSU alumni from each of the schoolrsquos academic colleges, and Mr. Kiani received the College of Engineering 2005 Monty Award. This yearrsquos award ceremonies were held Saturday, March 5th. Mr. Kiani received both his undergraduate and graduate degrees in electrical engineering from San Diego State University in the 1980rsquos, and founded Masimo in 1989 shortly after completing his formal education. He has served as CEO and chairman since that time, and co-invented Masimo SET reg Pulse Oximetry with friend and engineer, Mohamed Diab, applying system theory and adaptive signal processing to dramatically improve the monitoring of pulse rate and oxygen saturation in the blood. This month Masimo announced its second major advance in patient monitoring with Masimo Rainbow trade SET reg Pulse CO-Oximetry trade. a new technology that allows caregivers to noninvasively measure carbon monoxide concentration of the blood, for the first time. The Masimo Rainbow trade SET reg platform is designed to allow for the monitoring of additional parameters like methemoglobin (SpMet trade ), as well as arterial oxygen saturation completely noninvasively. ldquoWhen we consider candidates, we look not only for success and innovation, but also for evidence that the university played some role in that success, rdquo reported Professor David T. Hayhurst, Dean of Engineering at SDSU. ldquoJoe Kiani did stellar work here in electrical and computer engineering, and that has clearly been applied brilliantly in the development of Masimo SET reg Pulse Oximetry, which has gone on to become an international standard. We are equally impressed with his perseverance in doing what was necessary to overcome numerous significant obstacles in turning his scientific breakthrough into a real product, and then successfully penetrating a market that is very difficult to enter. We are extremely proud to recognize Joe for all his accomplishments. rdquo ldquoAs an educator I persistently address the questions: lsquoAm I getting through to them Am I making a difference in their lives How do I measure if I amrsquordquo says Professor Fredric Harris, Cubic Signal Processing Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at SDSU. ldquoOne way is by reviewing the accomplishments of my former students. Joe Kiani is an example of a former student that every teacher wishes he had by the room-full. Joe is a creative individual who directed his native intelligence and SDSU-acquired education to a class of medical instrumentation problems. He recognized them as an opportunity to apply advanced signal processing techniques. As founder of Masimo Corp. in the best tradition of entrepreneurship, he guided development of a novel class of high performance medical instrumentation methods that have revolutionized patient monitoring systems. The Monty award Joe received at the 33rd Alumni Association Awards Gala is SDSUrsquos public recognition of the success of one our distinguished alumni. His award is much deserved and I am proud to know Joe as a faculty member, as an advisor, and as a friend. rdquo Masimo, founded in 1989, is the inventor and leader of Signal Extraction Technology for the non-invasive monitoring of vital signs. Masimo develops, licenses, and markets advanced medical signal processing technologies and product. Masimo Signal Extraction Technology, or Masimo SET reg. represents the standard of care for pulse oximeters. With its introduction in 1996, Masimo SET reg overcame data dropouts, false alarms and inaccurate measurements due to patient motion, low perfusion and other challenging conditions. Over 100 clinical studies support the conclusion that Masimo SET reg is the most effective pulse oximeter in the world. With the advent of Rainbow trade Technology, Masimo ushers a new era for noninvasive monitoring, where patients at risk of respiratory and cardiac complications, carbon monoxide poisoning and other life threatening diseases can be safely, noninvasively and accurately monitored with Pulse CO-Oximetry. Masimo is headquartered in Irvine, California. Additional information about Masimo and its products can be found at masimo. Masimo, Signal Extraction Technology and SET reg are registered trademarks of Masimo Corporation. Signal Extraction is a trademark of Masimo Corporation. Rainbow, Pulse CO-Oximetry, SpCO, and SpMet are trademarks of Masimo Laboratories. Contact: Brad Langdale Masimo Corporation blangdalemasimo (949) 297-7009 Acacia Research Tops Deloittes Orange County Technology Fast 50 Ranking of Fastest-Growing Technology Companies Contact: Yi-Fang Kryger Deloitte amp Touche LLP 213 553 1944 COSTA MESA, Calif. October 11, 2005 mdash Acacia Research Corporation, a Newport Beach-based company that develops, acquires, and licenses patented technologies, tops the list of the fastest growing technology companies in Orange County as recognized by Deloitte amp Touche LLP at an award event held October 11 at the Hyatt Regency in Irvine. Called the ldquoOrange County Technology Fast 50,rdquo the annual award program ranks technology companies located in Orange County by revenue growth. ldquoThe past five years have been a rollercoaster ride for technology companies, rdquo said Fred Poska, Partner in the Technology, Media amp Telecommunications (TMT) Group at Deloitte based in Costa Mesa. ldquoThe companies on the Deloitte Orange County Technology Fast 50 have shown they can prosper in challenging economies and marketplaces. Deloitte is pleased to recognize their achievements. rdquo Winners are selected based on percentage revenue growth over five years from 2000 to 2004. To be considered, Technology Fast 50 entrants must: have operating revenues of at least 50,000 in 2000 and at least 1,000,000 in 2004 be headquartered in Orange County be a ldquotechnology company, rdquo defined as a company that owns proprietary technology that contributes to a significant portion of its operating revenues or devotes a significant proportion of revenues to the research and development of technology. Using other companies technology in a unique way does not qualify. Subsidiaries and divisions are not eligible, unless they have some public ownership and are separately traded. The Orange County Technology Fast 50 sponsors include Deloitte amp Touche LLP, Focus Creative Group, Comerica, CRESA Partners, D. L.D. Insurance Brokers, Merrill Corporation, McDermott amp Bull and Strading Yocca Carlson amp Rauth, in association with AEA, Software Council of Southern California and Promotions by Design. About Deloitte Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a Swiss Verein, its member firms and their respective subsidiaries and affiliates. As a Swiss Verein (association), neither Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu nor any of its member firms has any liability for each otherrsquos acts or omissions. Each of the member firms is a separate and independent legal entity operating under the names ldquoDeloitte, rdquo ldquoDeloitte amp Touche, rdquo ldquoDeloitte Touche Tohmatsurdquo or other related names. Services are provided by the member firms or their subsidiaries or affiliates and not by the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Verein. Deloitte amp Touche USA LLP is the U. S. member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. In the U. S. services are provided by the subsidiaries of Deloitte amp Touche USA LLP (Deloitte amp Touche LLP, Deloitte Consulting LLP, Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP, Deloitte Tax LLP and their subsidiaries), and not by Deloitte amp Touche USA LLP. MDampDI 100 Notable People in Medical Device Industry awarded to Joe Kiani MDampDI Names Joe E. Kiani as one of its 100 notable people in the medical device industry. Joe E. Kiani, the companys co-founder and CEO has been recognized for his contributions to the medical device industry by the editors of Medical Device amp Diagnostic Industry(MDampDI). a Canon Communications LLC publication. Mr. Kiani was selected as the one of the magazines 100 notable people and featured in the June 2004 issue of MDampDI. quotWe selected our 100 notable people on the basis of their contributions to the medical device and healthcare industries, quot said Canon Communications Editorial Director John Bethune. quotThe individuals chosen reflect the outstanding achievements of the people behind todays medical technology. quot The medical device industry is well known for its technology, a central aspect that MDampDI covers in each and every issue. Less often noted are the many outstanding people without whom that technology would not exist. The June issue marks the first time MDampDI pays special tribute to 100 of these individuals. Joe Kiani Chairman and CEO Masimo Corp. A named inventor on more than 30 patents for signal processing, sensors, and patient monitoring. helped start-up company grow to have 300 employees, a global technology-license, and product-distribution agreements. The Forum for Corporate Directors -- Director of the Year for Corporate Growth Laguna Niguel, CA (February 25, 2004) - Joe Kiani, CEO, Masimo Corporation, took home the Forum for Corporate Directors (FCD) Director of the Year Award. Mr. Kiani built Masimo Corporation from a tiny start-up to a 450 employee, multi-national company that dramatically changed pulse oximetry with their innovation of Masimo SET reg. a proprietary method of picking up difficult-to-read signals. His leadership also built bridges to Group Purchasing Organizations, paving the way for other small companies to gain access to previously unavailable market segments. About Forum for Corporate Directors The Forum for Corporate Directors mission is to promote the highest standards of corporate ethics and best governance practices, create forums for director peer interactions, and enhance director effectiveness through high-quality and timely education and development programs. Forum for Corporate Directors membership includes 200 of Orange Countys most prominent business and community leaders, corporations and professional services organizations. Forum members are committed to creating value for their organizations, promoting the highest standards of corporate ethics and sharing their experiences with their fellow members and directors. Masimo, founded in 1989, is the innovator and leader of motion and low perfusion tolerant pulse oximetry. Masimo develops, licenses and markets advanced medical signal processing technologies and products for the noninvasive monitoring of vital signs. Masimo Signal Extraction Technology represents a fundamental departure from conventional pulse oximetry technologies. Over 70 independent and objective published studies have demonstrated that Masimo SET reg is the safest and most effective pulse oximetry technology in the world. To date, Masimo has licensed its Signal Extraction Pulse Oximetry technology to over 35 international patient monitoring system providers, which make up over 70 percent of the worlds pulse oximeter shipments. Masimo is headquartered in Irvine, Calif. Additional information about Masimo and its products can be found on masimo. WHAT: Deloitte amp Touche LLP, one of the nations leading professional services firms, is pleased to announce an alphabetical listing of its 2004 Orange County Technology Fast 50 winners. The Fast 50 ranks the 50 fastest-growing technology companies in Orange County over five years (1999-2003). A special category called quotRising Starsquot recognizes the five fastest-growing technology companies based on revenue growth over three years (2001-2003). HOW: Technology Fast 50 winners are selected based on the percentage of growth in fiscal year revenues from 1999 to 2003. To be considered, entrants must be based in Orange County and must be a technology company defined as owning proprietary technology that contributes to a significant portion of the companys operating revenues (using other companies technology in a unique way does not qualify) andor devoting a significant proportion of revenues to research and development of technology. WHEN: Announcement of the Orange County Technology Fast 50 winners ranked by growth percentage and the Rising Star winners is scheduled for October 4, 2004. WHERE: Visit fast50 for more information on the Technology Fast 50 program. WHO: Acacia Research Corporation, Accenx Technologies, Inc. Aircept LLC(a), Allergan, Inc. Artemis International Solutions Corporation, Autobytel Inc. BIOLASE Technology, Inc. Broadcom Corporation, Callipso Corporation, Cardiac Science, Inc. Ceradyne, Inc. ChromaVision Medical Systems, Inc. Cortex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. DPAC Technologies Corp. Dynatem, Inc, eEye Digital Security, Electropure, Inc. Emulex Corporation, Endocare, Inc. Envision Financial Systems, Inc. Exult Inc. Foundstone, Inc.(a), HireRight, Inc. IOMagic Corporation, ICU Medical, Inc. I-Flow Corporation, Infokall, Inc.(a), Interpore Cross International, Inc. Island Pacific, Inc. KOR Electronics, Lantronix, Inc. Lifemasters Supported Self Care, Inc. Masimo Corporation, Meade Instruments Corp. MenuLink Computer Solutions, Inc. Micro Therapeutics, Inc. MSC. Software Corporation, netGuru, Inc. Oakley, Inc. Paciolan, Inc. QLogic Corporation, Quality Systems, Inc. Quest Software, Inc. Raining Data Corporation, Ritz Interactive, Inc. Syagen Technology, Inc. Sybron Dental Specialties, Inc. TCI Solutions, Inc. Telogis(a), The TriZetto Group, Inc. TransDimension, Inc. TTM Technologies, Inc. U-Nav Microelectronics Corporation(a), Universal Space Network, Inc. US LABS, Inc. About Deloitte Deloitte, one of the nations leading professional services firms, provides audit, tax, financial advisory services and consulting through nearly 30,000 people in more than 80 U. S. cities. Known as an employer of choice for innovative human resources programs, the firm is dedicated to helping its clients and its people excel. quotDeloittequot refers to the associated partnerships of Deloitte amp Touche USA LLP (Deloitte amp Touche LLP and Deloitte Consulting LLP) and subsidiaries. Deloitte is the US member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. For more information, please visit Deloittes web site at deloitteus. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu is an organization of member firms devoted to excellence in providing professional services and advice. We are focused on client service through a global strategy executed locally in nearly 150 countries. With access to the deep intellectual capital of 120,000 people worldwide, our member firms, including their affiliates, deliver services in four professional areas: audit, tax, financial advisory services and consulting. Our member firms serve more than one-half of the worlds largest companies, as well as large national enterprises, public institutions, locally important clients, and successful, fast-growing global growth companies. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu is a Swiss Verein (association), and, as such, neither Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu nor any of its member firms has any liability for each others acts or omissions. Each of the member firms is a separate and independent legal entity operating under the names quotDeloitte, quot quotDeloitte amp Touche, quot quotDeloitte Touche Tohmatsuquot or other related names. The services described herein are provided by the member firms and not by the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Verein. For regulatory and other reasons certain member firms do not provide services in all four professional areas listed above. Frost amp Sullivan New Standard of Care in Patient Monitoring Award San Jose, Calif. - June 16, 2003 - Frost amp Sullivan today presented the first the 2003 New Standard of Care in Patient Monitoring Award to Masimo Corporation, a developer of advanced medical signal processing technologies instrumental in state-of-the-art noninvasive monitoring of patient vital signs, at the AMMI Conference in Long Beach, California. Aroop Zutshi, Frost amp Sullivan senior partner, presented the award to Joe E. Kiani, Chairman and CEO of Masimo Corporation, in recognition of its commitment to patient care, its successful pioneering and introduction of next-generation pulse oximetry technology, and its demonstrated improvement of patient monitoring. In 1996,1997, and 1998, Masimo introduced in Europe, Japan and the US respectively, its pioneering Signal Extraction Technology (Masimo SET reg ) solution, the first motion-tolerant and low-perfusion monitoring device, into the pulse oximetry and patient monitoring markets. Initially blocked from selling its product to the US hospitals through group purchasing organizations (GPOs), Masimo went directly to leading medical professionals and had its product assessed and compared against the leading pulse oximeters of the day. These independent studies highly favored the Masimo SET reg solution, raising the awareness of improvements in the medical community and creating strong demand for this motion-tolerant technology among healthcare workers. Prior to Masimo SET reg pulse oximetry, pulse oximeters were fraught with false alarms. In fact, approximately 90 of the pulse oximeter alarms were false with conventional pulse oximetry. The dramatic reduction in the number of false alarms, and the improvement in detection of true alarms, was felt to significantly improve the caregivers productivity as well as provide reliable continuous patient pulse oximetry data. Masimos low-perfusion technology also enables doctors and healthcare workers to measure oxygenation levels in patients which were previously unable to be measured and regulated. Clinical studies had shown that over 10 of the time pulse oximeters failed to provide any measurement during surgery in the OR. Masimo SET reg changed all of that. As a result, new standards of care are now being offered to patients from infants to geriatrics. quotThe rapid adoption of Masimo SET reg technology, by both hospitals and major patient monitoring equipment manufacturers demonstrates the value that the market has placed on this significant technological advancement, quot says Katherine Shariq, Frost amp Sullivan industry analyst. The Frost amp Sullivan New Standard of Care in Patient Monitoring Award is given to a company that has successfully developed or introduced a new or advanced version of a patient monitoring component or device, which could potentially revolutionize or reinvigorate the market. Multiple advantages over existing monitoring components clearly establish that the technology used in the field has evolved into a next-generation device. Masimo is the first company to receive such an honor over the past 15 years. About Masimo Corporation Founded in 1989, Masimo Corporation, the innovator of motion and low perfusion tolerant pulse oximetry, is a privately held medical technology company that develops, licenses and markets advanced medical signal processing technologies and products for the noninvasive monitoring of patient vital signs. Masimo Corporation is headquartered in Irvine, California. About Frost amp Sullivan Founded in 1961, Frost amp Sullivan, a global leader in growth consulting, presents Market Engineering Awards to companies that demonstrate excellence in their industry, commending the diligence and innovative business strategies required to advance in the global marketplace. Frost amp Sullivan rigorously analyzes specific criteria to determine Market Engineering Award recipients in a vast variety of market industries and landscapes. For further information, visit frost SAN DIEGO, Nov 6, 2003 - At last nights 2003 Global Excellence in Healthcare amp Life Sciences Awards Banquet, Frost amp Sullivan named Masimo Corporation as the recipient of the 2003 Patient Monitoring Technology of the Year Award. Masimo Corporations innovative Signal Extraction Technology (Masimo SET reg ) modernized the pulse oximetry and patient monitoring markets with its ease of use and breakthrough performance. Its ability to noninvasively measure oxygen saturation levels in high-risk and difficult patients, such as people with very low levels of perfusion and those actively in motion, has created widespread demand by physicians. quotMasimos engineering design and skilled development of highly specific algorithms have made its technology highly sought after, quot states Katherine Shariq, industry analyst with Frost amp Sullivan. quotDue to the companys innovations, the pulse oximetry market has been reenergized and the use of pulse oximetry solutions for continuous measurements among high-risk patients has expanded. quot This award recognizes Masimos contribution to medicine and patient care through its innovation, engineering expertise, and diligence in getting its Masimo SET reg technology accepted and used in the patient monitoring market. Masimo currently maintains licensing agreements with more than 35 international patient monitoring equipment providers and operates a growing stand-alone pulse oximeter business. With Masimo SET reg acknowledged as a new technology standard most hospitals and caregivers are making the shift to quotnext-generationquot pulse oximetry solutions to monitor their patients. Masimo deserves this award for its commitment to patient care, reliability, and the ease of use of its products. Joe E. Kiani, Chairman amp CEO of Masimo stated, quotOn behalf of the Masimo team, both those inside and outside the company, I would like to thank Frost and Sullivan for bestowing upon us this award. This award not only encourages us to do more, but hopefully it encourages other people to dedicate themselves to the advancement of patient care. quot Every year, Frost amp Sullivan honors the company that introduces a technology with the ability to influence and impact RampD focus and competitive posture in several market segments. The technology also shows potential to become an industry standard or achieve a high degree of market acceptance. Held in San Diego, Calif. the Frost amp Sullivan banquet honored world-class companies for outstanding performance and achievements in the healthcare industry. An annual event, the banquet recognizes the quality and merit of these distinguished companies. Masimo, founded in 1989, is the innovator and leader of motion and low perfusion tolerant pulse oximetry. Masimo develops, licenses and markets advanced medical signal processing technologies and products for the noninvasive monitoring of vital signs. Masimo Signal Extraction Technology represents a fundamental departure from conventional pulse oximetry technologies. Over 70 independent and objective published studies have demonstrated that Masimo SET reg is the safest and most effective pulse oximetry technology in the world. To date, Masimo has licensed its Signal Extraction Pulse Oximetry technology to over 35 international patient monitoring system providers, which make up over 70 percent of the worlds pulse oximeter shipments. Masimo is headquartered in Irvine, Calif. Additional information about Masimo and its products can be found on masimo. About Frost amp Sullivan Founded in 1961, Frost amp Sullivan is recognized as a global leader in growth consulting. Frost amp Sullivan Awards are presented to companies that demonstrate excellence in their industry, commending the diligence, commitment, and innovative business strategies required to advance in the global marketplace. Frost amp Sullivan rigorously analyzes specific criteria to determine award recipients in a vast variety of market industries and landscapes. For further information, visit frost . Platinum quotABBYquot Award --Adaptive Business Leaders Innovations in Healthcare Award Orange, CA (June 20, 2003) - Joe Kiani, CEO of Masimo Corporation (in Irvine), Jay Short, Ph. D. CEO of Diversa Corporation (in San Diego) and Adam Singer, M. D. CEO of IPC-The Hospitalist Company (in North Hollywood), respectively took home the Platinum, Gold and Silver quotABBYquot Awards at the Adaptive Business Leaders (ABL) Organizations Fifth Annual Innovations in Healthcare SM Awards and Event, held Wednesday, June 18, at the Hyatt Regency, Irvine. The three innovators were selected to receive the gold statuette from among a group of nine Innovations in Healthcare SM finalists for their outstanding advancements to the field of healthcare in medical technology, bio technology and information technology-enhanced healthcare services. According to Mimi Grant, President of ABL, the 60-plus judges, primarily ABL Members and other healthcare industry CEOs and Division heads attending the Event, found their greatest challenge of the day was selecting just three companies to win the ABBY among the nine finalists, each of whom presented a compelling case as to why and how their product or service significantly advanced the quality of patient life or enabled the business of healthcare to be conducted more cost effectively. Joe Kiani, CEO of Masimo Corporation, took home the Platinum quotABBY. quot Masimo has developed proprietary signal processing and sensor technologies for cost-effective, noninvasive patient monitoring, improving patient outcomes and reducing the cost of care through its Masimo SET reg Pulse Oximetry technology. Joe has also brought leadership to the medical technology industry by breaking through the often bureaucratic hurdles established by some large healthcare systems and Group Purchasing Organizations. Jay Short, Ph. D. CEO of Diversa Corporation received the Gold Innovations in Healthcare SM Award. Diversa is a leader in the discovery, evolution, and production of commercially valuable molecules with pharmaceutical applications, such as optimized monoclonal antibodies and orally active drugs. The company also developed a cutting edge technology that allows ultra high-throughput, resulting in faster new drug discovery, enabling the fast-tracking of the next cancer or autoimmune disease treatment development. Adam Singer, M. D. and CEO of IPC - The Hospitalist Company was awarded the Silver quotABBY. quot In 1991, IPC pioneered hospitalist care: full-time, acute primary care specialists who focus exclusively on patients receiving inpatient care. IPC-LINK reg is the companys proprietary clinical repository of best practices (and much more) that each of IPCs 400 physicians can easily access on their wireless hand-held computers, thus increasing economic efficiency while enhancing quality of care. The other finalists included: David Adamson, M. D. is Chairman and CEO of Advanced Reproductive Care, Inc, which is the only national organization of physician specialists in fertility care, who also have developed innovative payment plans. Eleanor Levin, M. D. is the Clinical Lead of Kaiser Permanentes Comprehensive Coronary Artery Disease Program, which has dramatically reduced the number of Kaiser patients suffering and dieing from coronary artery disease Bob Watson is President and CEO of Concuity, Inc. which provides an enterprise-wide information system that helps providers create and negotiate better contracts with payers and collect whats owed them. John OShaughnessy is President of Government Management Services, Inc. which created and operates FACIS reg. the Fraud and Abuse Control Information System, for verifying the credentials of, and reports sanctions against, physicians and other clinicians. Ed Fotsch, M. D. is CEO of Medem, Inc. which, backed by the AMA, developed this physician-patient communications network to facilitate online access to information and care for more than 90,000 physicians and their patients. Richard Brumley, M. D. is the Physician in Charge of Kaiser Permanentes TriCentral Palliative Care Program, which cares for those with serious, advanced, life-limiting illnesses and is focused on their quality of life. About the ABL Organization From its inception, 20 years ago, the purpose of the Adaptive Business Leaders Organization (ABL originally named SOCALTEN) has been the sharing of best practices and innovative approaches that propel business growth. Today the Organization facilitates nine monthly Round Tables (from San Diego to San Francisco) and holds special forums throughout the year -- like Innovations in Healthcare SM -- that enable its healthcare and technology Members to learn from each other. Further, for ABLs healthcare Members there is a particular focus on how to cost-effectively apply innovative approaches to delivering high quality healthcare. Frost amp Sullivan bestows the Market Engineering Award for Quality Control Leadership upon the company that has demonstrated superior quality controldivideover their existing competitorsdividein product manufacturing. Quality control is an essential element of satisfying customers, increasing repeat buying behavior, and assuring long-term market survival. Research Methods: To choose the award recipient, the analyst team tracks all products and research and development projects within the industry. This is accomplished through interviews with all market participants, end-users, distributors, and extensive secondary and technology research. Measurement Criteria: In addition to the methodology described above, there is specific criteria used to determine final competitor rankings in this industry. The award recipient has excelled based on one or more of the following criteria: - Lowest defect percentage per batch of units produced by suppliers in current base year - Product ability to fulfill customer needs, in terms of functionality and user friendliness - Number of breakdowns or services required per year - Degree of connectivity - Level of product support end-users receive from their vendors or suppliers Product Quality Leadership Award: Masimo Corporation: The recipient of the 2002 Frost amp Sullivan Product Quality Leadership Award for the U. S. fetal and neonatal market is Masimo Corporation. Masimo is a leading supplier of advanced medical signal processing technologies and products for the noninvasive monitoring of patient vital signs. Masimo Corporation is a privately held medical technology company, and is responsible for developing innovative motion and low perfusion tolerant pulse oximetry. The Masimo Signal Extraction Technology (Masimo SET reg ) is a breakthrough technology to access, process and register arterial oxygen saturation and pulse rate. Masimo SET reg enhances the accuracy of SpO 2 monitoring, particularly in complex patient conditions such as motion and low peripheral perfusion. Masimo SET reg utilizes five algorithms (as opposed to the traditional two) to ensure continuous, accurate SpO 2 measurement, even under the most challenging conditions. Over 50 clinical studies have proved that the Masimo SET reg considerably reduces costs, improves patient outcomes, and reduces medical errors in the presence of patient movement and low perfusion. Masimo has licensed its Signal Extraction pulse oximetry technology to over 35 international patient monitoring systems providers, accountable for 60 percent of the worlds pulse oximeter shipments. Moreover, over 35 patient monitoring equipment manufacturers market Masimo SET reg pulse oximetry. Some of the most notorious companies competing in the fetal and neonatal monitoring equipment market that offer Masimos SET reg pulse oximetry are: Datascope, GE Medical Systems, Invivo Research Inc. Ivy Biomedical Systems, Inc. Medical Data Electronics (MDE), a subsidiary of Viasys Healthcare, Respironics, and Welch Allyn. For its commitment to the highest standards of excellence in its product offerings, Frost amp Sullivan is proud to present the 2002 Product Quality Leadership Award to Masimo Corporation. Medical Design Excellence Award for Radical trade Signal Extraction Pulse Oximeter Masimo Corporation, the innovator of Signal Extraction Pulse Oximetry, has been selected as winner in the 2001 Medical Design Excellence Awards (MDEA) competition for Masimos recently released Signal Extraction Technology trade Pulse Oximeter, Radical trade. The MDEA is the only awards program devoted exclusively to recognizing contributions and advancements in the design of medical products. MDEA-winning products excel in the areas of product innovation, design and engineering excellence, end-user benefit, and cost-effectiveness in manufacturing and healthcare delivery. An impartial, multi-disciplinary panel of third-party jurors reviews all products submitted. These jurors have expertise in biomedical engineering, human factors, industrial design, medicine, nursing, diagnostics, and medical packaging. Winners are selected in ten medical product categories. Radical was selected as a winner in the division of Critical Care and Emergency Products. Radical Signal Extraction Pulse Oximeter is three pulse oximeters in one: a standalone device for bedside monitoring, a detachable handheld pulse oximeter for portable monitoring or spot check, and with its rich interface options, including SatShare trade. provides an upgrade path for the conventional pulse oximetry technologies found in hospital patient monitors to Masimo SET reg performance. Radical incorporates a new version of Masimo SET reg software, V3 trade. which not only delivers the breakthrough motion and low perfusion performance of Masimo SET reg. but debuts FastSat trade. which allows pulse oximeters to accurately track rapid saturation changes with unprecedented fidelity. Radical also debuts Signal IQ trade. a unique visual indication that identifies the arterial pulse and quality of the acquired signal even under conditions of motion and low perfusion. 147Radical, is the most advanced pulse oximeter in the world, yet it is simple to use,148 said Joe E. Kiani, President and Chief Executive Officer of Masimo Corporation. 147Clinicians from around the world contributed to the design of Radical by challenging our engineers to take the Masimo SET reg engine and design a pulse oximeter body around it that would make it available to all of their patients in all of the environments they were currently using conventional pulse oximetry or couldnt due to the limitations of conventional pulse oximeters. They also wanted one intuitive user interface for all of their applications, whether they were doing spot-check hand-held pulse oximetry measurement or continuous bedside monitoring in the OR, ICU or Ward.148 Mr. Kiani continued, 147Due to the requirements and feedback by our clinical advisory group, and the ingenuity and hard work of our engineers, clinicians around the world can now benefit from Masimo SET reg s unprecedented sensitivity and specificity for all their patients in all of the environments they choose all with one intuitive user interface. We thank MDEA for this recognition, as well as, the many clinician advisors, our engineering team and the industrial design team of I. N. for creating Radical.148 Masimo Becomes only Pulse Oximetry Company to Receive the Audie Lewis Mark of Excellence trade Award November 2001 Audie Lewis Consulting, Inc, a consulting organization serving hospitals, published an audit report in November 2001 on masimo Signal Extraction Technology (Masimo SET). In this audit report, Masimo received the Audie Lewis Mark of Excellence trade. the only pulse oximetry company receive this distinction. This Mark was given to Masimo after an extensive audit, a large majority of which was conducted prior to Masimo being made aware that it was taking place. The audit report concluded that none of the other pulse oximetry technologies matched the quality and clinical benefits of Masimo SET, and provided an overall assessment of Outstanding. Masimo also received high grades for Masimo SETs cost reduction impact to hospitals, and Audie Lewis highest rating for ever for customer satisfaction following direct interviews 21 Masimo clients throughout the USA. To view the full award, please click here. Masimo Corporation, the innovator of Signal Extraction Pulse Oximetry, was honored by the American Electronics Associations (AEA) Orange County Council at its Eighth Annual High Tech Awards ceremony last night. The AEA recognized the Masimo Radical Signal Extraction pulse oximeter, as the Innovative ProductTechnology in the medical area. The Radical has quickly become recognized as the most advanced and versatile pulse oximeter ever conceived. In addition to providing the unsurpassed accuracy and reliability of Masimo SET reg pulse oximetry, Radical possesses several other features that set it apart. Its removable, battery operated module allows it to be quickly converted from a standalone bedside monitor to a handheld device, which can be used for transport or spot checks. Masimos SatShare interface cable may also be used with the Radical pulse oximeter to upgrade existing monitors to Masimo SET reg performance. Many hospitals have found the SatShare interface to be most economical means of upgrading their existing monitors. The versatility and multi-functionality of the Radical pulse oximeter make it the best solution for a hospital looking to replace all of its pulse oximetry technology with the newly recognized motion and low perfusion tolerance standards set by Masimo. A facility can replace its standalone and handheld devices with Radical pulse oximeters, and upgrade its integrated monitoring systems with SatShare. Then, all patients in the facility benefit from the improved performance of Masimo SET reg and clinicians do not need to decide which patients get the new technology and which can risk the old. And, with sensor standardization achieved, the hospital can keep a long lasting Masimo single patient adhesive sensor on the patient throughout their stay. Many hospitals, including Massachusetts General, are standardizing their entire facility on Masimo SET reg . quotWe are honored that the AEA has recognized Masimo with this award, quot said Joe E. Kiani, President and Chief Executive Officer of Masimo Corporation. quotRadical is the result of input from clinicians around the world who were looking for a pulse oximetry solution that met all of their needs. Our talented and dedicated team went beyond the call of duty in designing and building a product that meets these needs. Im proud to say, based on the clinical and market response to Radical so far, that we achieved our goal and have delivered a product to the market that can allow clinicians to improve the level of care while saving money in the process. We thank the AEA, and I thank my team for their valiant effort. quot The Huntingtonrsquos Disease Society of America Distinguished Leadership Award Irvine, California November 19, 2001 - Joe E. Kiani, President amp CEO of Masimo Corporation, was presented with the Huntingtons Disease Society of Americas (HDSA) Distinguished Leadership Award at the First Annual HDSA Orange County Celebration of Hope Dinner last week. The HDSA Distinguished Leadership Award is a nationally recognized award associated with the Celebration of Hope Dinners, which benefit HDSA Centers of Excellence in cities around the country. The award is presented to individuals who have had a positive impact in their communities, and for the significant contributions they have made in their chosen fields. Mr. Kiani was recognized for his accomplishments in founding Masimo Corporation, the innovator of Masimo SET reg - Signal Extraction Technology - which is used in the healthcare field as the premier noninvasive patient monitoring technology. Since its worldwide market release in 1998, Masimo SET reg has emerged as the preeminent pulse oximetry (measuring a patients arterial blood oxygen saturation) technology, particularly under the most challenging conditions of patient motion and low perfusion (low blood flow). Other recipients of the Distinguished Leadership Award included: Ralph Cygan, M. D. - CEO of and Clinical Professor at UC Irvine Medical Center John Hagestad - Chairman, Orangewood Childrens Foundation Executive Committee Member, Sares Regis Group Arthur B. Birtcher - Co-Chair, Birtcher Real Estate Group quotHuntingtons Disease is a degenerative, fatal genetic disorder that can absolutely devastate families who are affected by it, quot said Joe E. Kiani, President and Chief Executive Officer of Masimo Corporation. quotI am honored to receive the Distinguished Leadership Award, but, more importantly, I am hopeful that events such as the Celebration of Hope dinners, will serve to bring awareness and support in the fight to end Huntingtons Disease. quot Masimo Corporation, founded in 1989, is a privately held medical technology company that develops, licenses and markets advanced medical signal processing technologies and products for the noninvasive monitoring of vital signs. Masimo Signal Extraction Technology represents a fundamental departure from conventional pulse oximetry technologies. Over 50 independent, published studies have demonstrated that Masimo Signal Extraction Technology substantially overcomes the limitations of conventional pulse oximeters in accurately measuring arterial blood oxygen saturation levels and pulse rates in the presence of patient movement and low perfusion. To date, Masimo has licensed its Signal Extraction pulse oximetry OEM MS Boards and proprietary LNOP single patient adhesive and reusable sensors to over 35 international patient monitoring system providers which make up over 60 of the worlds pulse oximeter shipments. AmeriNet, the leading group purchasing organization and HealthTrust Columbia, the largest hospital system in America are offering their member hospitals the ability to gain access to Masimo SET reg technology at group purchasing discounted prices. Masimo is headquartered in Irvine, California. Additional information about Masimo and its products can be found on the companys web site masimo . Huntingtons Disease (HD), named for Dr. George Huntington who first discovered the disease in 1872, is a fatal and degenerative brain disorder for which there is, at present, no effective treatment or cure. HD, which is passed down to 50 of the children of a parent having the disorder, slowly diminishes the affected individuals ability to walk, talk and reason. The Huntingtons Disease Society of America is dedicated to providing support and education to the families affected by this life-altering illness, and to ultimately finding a cure. HDSA Centers of Excellence provide clinical care, counseling, referrals and education for individuals with HD and their families. HDSA Centers of Excellence are supported through Celebration of Hope events and through the generosity of the community and HD family and friends. March of Dimes Excellence in Leadership Award The Orange County Division of the March of Dimes held its 7th Annual Excellence in Leadership Gala on Thursday, October 18, 2001, at 6:00 p. m. at the Hyatt Newporter in Newport Beach. The non-profit that saves babies lives recognized four Orange County individuals for their contribution to the March of Dimes mission, and for their significant achievements and outstanding leadership in their fields. The black tie dinner was attended by over 352 participants and raised 140,000 in support of the March of Dimes. The Jonas Salk Excellence in Medicine Award was awarded to M. Douglas Cunningham, M. D. Vice President, Special Projects, Pediatrix Medical Group, Inc. An accomplished physician, teacher and researcher, Dr. Cunningham was honored for his contributions to the field of neonatal-perinatal medicine. The Excellence in Leadership Awards were presented to: Joe E. Kiani, president and CEO, Masimo Corporation, for his outstanding contributions in the biomedical technology field Tim Smith, CEO and president, Fountain Valley Regional Hospital amp Medical Center, for his ongoing effort and achievements in the medical field and Alex Stenzler, vice president, Advanced Technologies, Sensor Medics Corporation, for his extraordinary endeavors in the biomedical technology field. Heading the Honorary Committee were Bill Ross, honorary event chair and chief operating officer for Viasys Healthcare, along with Deborah Harrington, chair, Orange County Division Board of Directors and manager, Investment Management Services for Harrington Capital. Serving along with Ross and Harrington were Jeffrey C. Barbakow, Tenet HealthSystem Valerie Begnoche, Masimo Corporation Steve Bredehoft, Sensor Medics Corporation Thomas J. Burnham, The Allergan Foundation Michele Finney, Los Alamitos Medical Center Lynn Hayes, Pediatrix Medical Group Jannie Herchuk, Deloitte amp Touche Chris Kilpatrick, Arter amp Hadden Roger J. Medel, M. D. Pediatrix Medical Group, Kathleen OBrien, Fountain Valley Regional Hospital amp Medical Center Meredith Rattay, Grossman Burn Center LeAnn Spaide, Glendale Adventist Medical Center and Mike Stephens of Hoag Hospital. The annual gala helped increase awareness of the March of Dimes and its accomplishments in serving the mothers and babies of Orange County. Funds raised helped provide continuing support for research, community programs, public education and advocacy in the fight against birth defects, prematurity, and infant mortality. The black tie evening began with a cocktail reception at 6:00 p. m. followed by dinner and the awards presentation at 7:15 p. m. Tickets were 250.00. For additional event information, contact Hanna Koh at (949) 263-1100 or email Hkohmodimes. org. The March of Dimes is a national voluntary health agency whose mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, prematurity, and infant mortality. Founded in 1938, the March of Dimes funds programs of research, community service, education, and advocacy to save babies. The Southern California Chapter serves a population of more than 20 million people and has divisions in Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange County and the Inland Empire. More information is available on the March of Dimes web sites at modimes. org and nacersano. org . THE ORANGE COUNTY DIVISION OF THE MARCH OF DIMES 7TH ANNUAL EXCELLENCE IN LEADERSHIP GALA 2001 HONOREES JONAS SALK EXCELLENCE IN MEDICINE AWARD M. Douglas Cunningham, M. D. joined Pediatrix as Chief Medical Officer in 1996 and has served on the Board of Directors for Pediatrix Medical Group since that time. Currently he serves as vice president of Special Projects at Pediatrix Medical Group. Dr. Cunningham has dedicated 32 years to research and clinical interests in pediatrics. He has co-authored a book that has been translated in four languages, 16 chapters have been utilized in medical textbooks, 34 articles have been published in medical journals and in 57 scientific presentations. EXCELLENCE IN LEADERSHIP AWARD Joe E. Kiani is the co-founder of Masimo Corporation. He has served as its president, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors since Masimos inception in 1989. Kiani is an inventor on more than 30 patents related to signal processing, sensors and patient monitoring. Masimo licenses its technology to more than half of the worlds patient monitoring suppliers, making Masimo SET reg technology available to customers in a wide array of product configurations. Tim Smith has served in the healthcare management field for 20 years and currently serves as president and CEO at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Regional Center. Smith is a Diplomate of the American College of Healthcare Executives and participates in the University of California, Los Angeles Mentoring Program. He is the recipient of the 2000 Ethics in America Award from Chapman University. Alex Stenzler currently serves as vice president of Advanced Technologies for Sensor Medics Corporation and the Critical Care Division of Viasys Healthcare Corporation where he has worked for 10 years. Sensor Medics designs, manufactures, markets and services advanced diagnostic and therapeutic products for the respiratory care market. Stenzler, always concerned about the respiratory health of babies and adults alike, has done extensive research on the passive measurement system for respiratory mechanics. The Society for Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) has chosen Masimo Corporation as the recipient of this yearrsquos SCCM Technology Excellence Award. This award, which recognizes outstanding strides in technology which benefit critical care medicine, will be formally given to Joe E. Kiani, Founder and President of Masimo Corporation, at the SCCM Conference to be held in Orlando, Florida from February 11 through February 15. This is the first year such an award is being given to someone in the industry. The SCCM Awards had previously been given only to clinicians and non-industry researchers. According to the SCCM, ldquoMasimorsquos design convinced intensivists that pulse oximetry could work on the toughest patients and be useful during motion and low perfusion, thus raising the bar in the standards critical care medicine can now apply to future technology. rdquo ldquoIt is important that true technological innovators be recognized and rewarded for their efforts, rdquo commented Max H. Weil, MD, PhD, FCCM, Distinguished University Professor and founder of the SCCM. ldquoPrior to Masimorsquos contributions, the false alarms and unreliability of pulse oximeters were assumed to be inherent and insurmountable limitations of the measurement. Masimo did not accept this and made an intuitive leap to create what is now the new standard of performance for pulse oximeters. Having dedicated my career to advancing the care of critically ill patients, I am happy to see that better care will result and the standards are being raised as a result of Masimorsquos technological breakthrough. Masimo has truly earned this award. rdquo Masimo Corporation announced that it is the recipient of one of Frost amp Sullivanrsquos highest honors for Market Engineering: the 2000 Competitive Strategy Award. This award, based on independent research and analysis of companies in the health care industry, recognizes Masimo for its positive contribution to the blood gas monitoring equipment market. According to Frost amp Sullivan analyst, Minal Vasanawada, ldquoMasimo has made a significant impact on the industry with its successful marketing of its proprietary Signal Extraction pulse oximetry technology, Masimo SET reg. False alarms and erroneous readings due to patient and environmental factors have for long plagued pulse oximetry technology. By addressing this pressing need to have more accurate data from pulse oximeters in varied clinical settings including motion and low perfusion, Masimo has displayed a clear understanding of the primary competitive factors in this industry. Frost amp Sullivan recognizes this outstanding achievement and awards Masimo with its Competitive Strategy Award. rdquo ldquoMasimo is honored to be recognized by Frost amp Sullivan for the advancement and contribution Masimo has made in the field of pulse oximetry, rdquo said Joe E. Kiani, President and CEO of Masimo Corporation. ldquoOur goal was to solve what other companies thought was unsolvable - to make pulse oximetry accurate during motion and low perfusion. We then set out to educate the industry and health care professionals with independent clinical studies by leading clinicians around the world and true side-by-side demonstrations. Today, over 25 clinical studies by independent researchers have proven Masimo Signal Extraction Technology to be the only pulse oximetry technology accurate under the most challenging conditions of motion and low perfusion and when itrsquos needed the most. We wish to thank the dedicated clinicians who, without any personal monetary reward, have spent their valuable time and resources to study Masimo SET reg rsquos performance compared to conventional pulse oximetry and Masimo SETrsquos effect on improving patient care as well as reducing cost of care. rdquo Mr. Kiani continued, ldquoBy proving the breakthrough accuracy and reliability of Masimo SET reg technology clearly and honestly, we have been able to attract over 30 leading patient monitoring companies, who make up over 50 of the worldrsquos pulse oximeter suppliers - to adopt Masimo SET reg as their standard pulse oximetry technology. These companies have spent significant resources to upgrade their products to Masimo SET reg for the benefit of their customers they should also be honored. Receiving honors such as this Frost amp Sullivan Award and the appreciation from clinicians and patients who have been helped by our technology, renews our commitment to continue to advance signal processing and sensor technology for the benefit of patients and to be driven by a sense of fascination and accomplishment. rdquo Recently Masimo announced Radical, a product that is accelerating the standardization of Masimo SET reg pulse oximetry throughout hospitals. The Radical Signal Extraction pulse oximeter allows clinicians to get access to Masimo SET reg. It is three pulse oximeters in one: a standalone device for bedside monitoring, a detachable handheld pulse oximeter for ultra-portable monitoring and a monitor interface, called SatShare, which allows Radical to upgrade multi-parameter patient monitors to Masimo SET reg technology. Radical can provide continuous and reliable arterial oxygen saturation monitoring anywhere throughout the continuum of care. With help from some of our partners, particularly Allegiance and Datex-Ohmeda, who have vast distribution resources and flexible acquisition programs, Masimo is making it easy for clinicians to get access to Radical to standardize their hospitals to Masimo SET reg pulse oximetry. AEA 2000 High Tech Award Winner - Outstanding Medical Device Company Masimo Corporation announced that it is the recipient of the 2000 American Electronics Association (AEA) award for Outstanding Medical Device Company. This award, presented as part of the Seventh Annual High-Tech Awards event of the Orange County Council, is presented to the company demonstrating excellence in technological innovation and leadership in the medical device industry. The High-Tech Awards honor a wide range of high-technology categories including Outstanding Medical Device Company, Outstanding Public Company, Outstanding Software Company, Outstanding Internet Company, Outstanding Executive (public and private company), MentorAngel, and Innovative ProductTechnology. According to Phil Beaudoin, executive director, Orange County Council, AEA, 147These companies and executives serve as outstanding examples of the innovative technology that continues to be developed and enhanced at the local level. They have set the precedent for technology growth in Orange County for the new century.148 147Masimo is honored to be recognized by the American Electronics Association,148 said Joe E. Kiani, President and CEO of Masimo Corporation. 147Masimo is a classic Orange County start-up. Eleven years ago, we started in a garage and our goal was, and still is, to make a contribution by developing better technology for patient care. In our pursuit of this goal, we have been fortunate to develop a technology that today, is not only saving lives and improving patient care, but is also reducing the cost of care. Over 25 clinical studies by independent researchers have proven Masimo Signal Extraction Technology to be the only pulse oximetry technology accurate under the most challenging conditions of motion and low perfusion and when its needed most.148 Mr. Kiani continued, 147This award belongs to everyone on the Masimo Team, our employees, advisors, investors, clinical researchers, and the business community in Orange County, who believed in us, encouraged and supported us.148 1995, The Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA) an international organization of physicians, engineers, students and others with an interest in anesthesia-related technologies, has chosen Dr. Steven Barker and Masimo Corporation researchers Ebrahim Elfadel and Walt Weber as the recipients of this yearrsquos STA Excellence in Technology Innovation Award. This award recognizes excellence in technologies that benefit patients and caregivers in the area anesthesiology especially technologies that address high priority needs of the practice of anesthesia. Dr. Barker and coauthors are being recognized for their abstract quotMotion-Resistant Pulse Oximetryquot which showed the superior performance of Masimo SET reg Pulse Oximetry compared conventional pulse oximetry. copy 2017 Masimo. All Rights Reserved. Cellkraft8217s products in business area Humidity and Steam targets laboratories and industry. Jakość i precyzja są zapewnione, dzięki czemu produkty mogą być wykorzystywane do wysoce jakościowych eksperymentów w laboratoriach, a także do ciągłego stosowania w zastosowaniach przemysłowych. Produkty do nawilżania i precyzyjnego parowania oparte są na dogłębnym zrozumieniu chemii fizycznej i zastosowaniu nowych technologii. Rezultatem są produkty o wydajności, które otwierają nowe możliwości dla badań i przemysłu. 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